➪Chapter Eight: Close spaces

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Wednesday rushed and shut the door. "I found some exciting news."

"Seriously, Wednesday? I thought something happened to you or that maybe you had something really important to say-"

"This is important. It's important to me." She announced.

Enid sighed before walking and plopping onto Wednesday bed. "Okay, tell me everything."

Wednesday was a bit confused. She raised her eyebrow and looked from Enid's empty bed and then over to her now occupied one. "What's wrong with your bed? Do you need me to call someone to fix it?" Wednesday almost seemed worried.

Enid smiled and shook her head. "No silly, I just wanted to sit on yours, if you don't mind."

"Yeah it's fine, do whatever. Anyways, I found a way to figure out what group Ajax is in. I know Ajax and Xavier are friends so they had to have some type of communication and I'm sure that Xavier knows so if I get close with Xavier then-"

"Absolutely not. Let me do it."

"It would only be best if I do it. Let me get the information so we can figure this out faster."

Enid shook her head as she crossed her legs. "No. I should do it. Xavier has a massive and obvious crush on you and if you start to talk to him then we might think he has a chance and you obviously don't like him, right?"

Nervousness filled Enid's body as she tensed up. "No, that requires feelings that I don't have, remember? Besides, what's the matter if I did?"

"Nothing.. it's just.. he's not for you. Sure he's a nice guy and you should totally be with him because that's what you need in your life, except you don't want that. That's not what you want because that's not the type of person you are." Enid pointed out as she fidgeted with her fingers.

Wednesday slowly walked over to her bed and sat beside her. "And you still think you know everything? I'm very certain that you are more wrong than you even think. I just let you talk though, you seem to like it. Even if it makes my ears bleed."

Enid smiled softly as her eyes still lingered on her fingers. "You two are completely different and thats not what you like. You said it yourself, you don't have feelings. But if you did, I know that Xavier wouldn't be up to your speed."

Silence filled the air as Enid started to regret her words. She frowned when she didn't get anything back in response. "I should get to class." Enid says as she started to get up from Wednesday's bed but she was stopped.

Wednesday grabbed her hand as she immediately felt a sting and she pulled Enid back down. "I hate feelings, I hate touching and I hate colors."

"I know that. That's why I try my hardest to not touch you as much and I even took down some of my bright colors, that way the room could look more adjustable to what you're into." Enid admits in a small voice.

Wednesday paused for a moment. She then moved a bit closer to the werewolf.

"I still find it very weird that you want to be friends with me. I literally treat you so bad. Besides, I'm not a friendly person so it really sucks that you try this hard."

"You're friendly to me. Besides, we work. I don't know how or why, but we do." Enid admits as she looked up and found Wednesday really close. She gulped. "What made you want to give into this whole being friends with me? I mean you could have totally let me find that information for you and completely ignored me but you didn't."

Wednesday shrugged, "you're hard to stay away from. You're like a cute lost puppy that needs a home. I knew if I didn't agree to the whole friends thing that you would never stop and that it would be like torture."

"So you think I'm cute?" Enid questioned as her face turned red.

Wednesday rolled her eyes before looking away. "I told you all those things and you only point out the least most important thing?"

"It's important to me."

"If I did think you were cute, then what?" Wednesday asked in an awkward and unsure tone.

Enid opened her mouth to speak but only smiled in answer. She didn't want to confuse Wednesday because she was already dealing with trying to figure out what things meant to her with the whole visions thing going and stuff but she couldn't help it.

Wednesday made her smile and blush way too much for Enid too hold what she was feeling in.

Even if the werewolf didn't fully know what she wanted.

"What have you done with Wednesday Addams? I don't know if this side is good or bad." Enid moved a lock of hair behind her ear.

"I'm still trying to figure that out, myself. I mean I still don't care about a thing in the world and I hate the same boring things but you just make it.. I don't know, not so bad I guess."

Enid sighed as she was done with it. She couldn't sit there any longer before she did something she might regret. "I really should get to class and so should you."

Enid stood up as she reached for Wednesdays hand. "No. Just because I can tolerate the whole touchy thing, doesn't mean I want you to touch me all the time."

The werewolf was flustered. "Please stop saying that. It sounds very weird and I don't have time to be thinking like a 6 grade boy!" She glared before turning and making her way to the door.

"I like your outfit by the way. It's very you, and pretty." Wednesday admits as she stared into the space.

Enid stood at the door with a huge smile on her face. "I'm going now." She muttered.

"See you."

The door shut and Wednesday smiled. If she don't quit smiling she's sure she would die from overheating.

Although, Wednesday still didn't know what was going on between her and Enid or what it meant, she was starting to like it.

It wasn't changing her too much though, she still was the same way with others, but people around or not, Wednesday still acted the same way with Enid, and Enid didn't mind at all.

"Wednesday, we need to talk. I think it's time that we did." Xavier pointed out as he crossed his arms.

She looked up and raised a eyebrow. "About what exactly? Because I have to get done with a few things."

He reached his hand out to grab Wednesday's arm but she pulled back and groaned. "Don't touch me, I would kill you."

"But Enid-"

"You're not Enid. You can speak to me from a distance." She rolled her eyes.

Xavier sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. "The group knows that you know about them and they are going to come after you. I just wanted to warn you and to make sure that you told no one about this. If you do then you can be in serious danger."

"I like danger."

"Not this one. I'm only doing it to protect you."

Wednesday shook her head, "again. I don't need it."

Xavier rolled his eyes, "just listen to what I say." He says stormed off.

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