➪Chapter Eleven: Blame wednesday.

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Wednesday raised her eyebrows as she crossed her arms. "I will not stay for this poisonous talk. I might like death but I'm not aiming to die just yet. I need to find my destiny first."

"We'll find it together." Enid smiled from ear to ear.

Wednesday denied the request. "I rather not. Things are better done alone than with someone else, it just waste time."

"But we solve things better together. We are team, no matter what." Enid assured with a quick nod.

A sigh was let out of Wednesday lips as she turned to face Thing. "I rather do this alone. Your voice irritates me."

Enid frowned at the insult. Usually they didn't hurt her because she was used to those things being said to her, but this time felt different. It felt like Wednesday actually meant them, not like the other times.

"Alrighty, I'll be in class if you need me."

"I don't need you. I don't need anyone."

Enid took a deep breath as she sent Wednesday a smile filled with sorrows. "Okay." Enid grabbed her back and she left out of the room.

Wednesday sighed as guilt filled her. She looked over at Thing and she already knew what he was going to say.

He turned away from her. She rolled her eyes. "I'm not even going to ask because I obviously don't care."

He motioned: "you need to apologize to her. She has been nothing but welcoming to you. She's nice.

Wednesday nodded to show she understood. "She's nice, smart, a werewolf, any other character traits I'm missing?" She asked with no remorse laced in her voice.

Thing gave her the finger before he motioned: "you know you have a soft spot for her. Just let yourself give in. It'll hurt you more if you don't.

"Well if you know me, then you would know I love a little pain."

He motioned: "I'm serious, Wednesday. I know what you are and I know what she is."

Wednesday raised her eyebrow. "I don't even know what I am, I'm sure you won't know a thing. Now aren't you supposed to be helping me with my investigation?"

He motioned: "I'm not helping you with a damn thing until you apologize to her. She did nothing wrong.

Wednesday shrugged as she took out her board. "I guess I don't need your help then." She stubbornly replied.

Thing was over it. He wasn't done trying though.

Enid paced back and forth as Yoko and Bianca watched her practically grow grey hairs.

"Are you going to tell us what you are stressing about or are you going to continue this?" Yoko spoke up.

Enid stopped as she thought for a moment. "I'm having issues."

"Obviously." Bianca rolled her eyes as Yoko nudged her in her side.

"Is it boy problems?" Yoko questioned as she leaned forward in her chair.

Enid opened her mouth to speak but she had to think about it.

Her and Wednesdays relationship is weird so she should she just pretend it was boy problems? No questions would be asked.

"Yeah, boy problems."

Yoko squealed. "Okay tell us."

"So, he, is really stressing me out and I do everything that I'm supposed to as a friend but sometimes there's moments where I feel like we could be more than friends because of the way he acts but then there's sometimes where I feel like he's going to push me away. I don't want to be pushed away."

"So, you want to be with him?" Bianca asked.

Enid ran her hands through her hair. "No, yes, I don't know. Our friendship is great and we work, really well. I just don't know how everyone is going to feel if we ever did decide to be thing."

"It doesn't matter what everyone else thinks, if he's who you want to be with then go for it. Life is too short." Yoko assured with a small smile.

"What if she.. he.. doesn't feel the same?"

Yoko and Bianca looked at each other before looking back at Enid. "Just go up to him. Tell him what you want and don't take no for an answer, unless it gets out of hand then you know to be very consensual." Yoko assured.

"I'm always consensual because he's..very special and I wouldn't want to ever make him uncomfortable." Enid assured.

Bianca smiled, "great, so get your man."

Enid smiled back, "thank you guys, hopefully this works out for the best."

She ran off as she made her way to her dorm. Yoko looked over at Bianca and sat back in to her chair. "He isn't a he." Yoko spoke up.

Bianca looked over at her and raised her eyebrow. "What do you mean?"

"He is actually a her and her name is Wednesday. You could already tell, there's no boy here that Enid had been spending time with except for Ajax and if it was Ajax then she would have said it."

"You think so?" Bianca sat up as she crossed her arms.

"I know so. I know gay when I see it, but it's okay. As long as she's happy."

Enid opened the door to her dorm room as she marched up to Wednesday, who seemed to be lost in thought about that stupid investigation she had going on "We are going to sneak out go to this awesome movie-"

Wednesday looked up and frowned, "I already told you to leave me alone, you don't understand the meaning?"

Enid shrugged, "no see, I don't care. You're going to go."

"You can't tell me what I'm going to do. I don't want to go."

Enid tilted her head as she crossed her arms. "I can and I will tell you what to do. You're going and that's final. If you don't like how I'm talking to you then deal with it. You like being uncomfortable don't you?"

"You said you didn't like making me uncomfortable." Wednesday pointed out.

Enid nodded as she poked her bottom lip out. "And you said we were friends. Guess that makes us even now."

"We are friends."

"You hate me." Enid stood unfazed.

"Yeah, I hate you!" Silence filled the air as Wednesday sighed. "No, I don't hate you. I can't hate you. It's like you put a spell on me to rebel my natural and normal feelings."

"I make you feel things?" Enid questioned as she took a step forward.

Wednesday nodded, "yeah, you make me feel the need to puke." She walked pass Enid and stormed over to the door. "I don't want you to be sad. That'll make me become sad and I hate being sad. So be happy, do whatever you need to as long as it makes you happy."

"What if the only thing that could make me happy right now is something I could regret for the rest of my life time?" Enid asked in a small voice.

Wednesday shrugged, "I'm still living, aren't I? I'm living proof of regretting my decisions."

"Wednesday I.." Enid started before she heard the door slam shut behind her. "Really like you." She whispered as she realized that Wednesday was out of ear reach.

At least she admitted it, right? Out loud at least.

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