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I woke up a little late and right when I woke up Adrien walked in the room with a food tray. He's never done anything like this before so I don't know what's going on.

I didn't question it so I just ate the food he made me. I went to check on Noah.

Noah wasn't in his room I walked downstairs and I saw Noah in his play area. I was really confused because I'm usually the one that brings Noah down.

I also saw Adrien cleaning the kitchen I couldn't be quite anymore so I asked Adrien about why he's doing these stuff.

"Um Adrien what's going on? Why are you doing these stuff?" I asked.

"I realized that ever since we got married I haven't been the best with helping you around the house. So I decided to let you sleep in, cook you breakfast, bring Noah down and clean the kitchen. I know how hard being a mom is." Adrien said.

I hugged Adrien. I tried offering to help him but Adrien didn't let me he made me sit down on the couch.

I was watching big time rush on the tv it was my favorite show when I was little. I still listen to their music.

I'm glad that big time rush is back together they still make good music but I prefer their old songs because I grew up with those.

I was watching the episode about when they go to prom. That episode always makes me laugh.

"Oh cool you're watching Big time rush." Adrien said.

"Yeah. Gosh they are so hot." I said while watching the part where they were we all in tuxedos.

"Hey I'm right here." Adrien said.

"I know. You're also hot." I said.

"Thank you." Adrien said.

"How about you take a break from all the work and just watch big time rush with me." I said.

Adrien sat next to me and we started watching big time rush together. We were on the part when they were at prom now.

I love the part when Logan is trying to stop everyone from voting Camille and her date for prom queen and King.

That episode makes me laugh all the time. Big time rush makes me happy growing up I've always had a crush on Logan.

They are all cute but Logan always made me smile. Noah was crying then I was going to pick him up to calm him down then Adrien made me sit back down.

He still doesn't want me to do anything he picked Noah up and he gave him his bottle. When Noah fell asleep Adrien put Noah back in his crib.

Adrien sat back down with me and he had his arm around me. We watched at least 5 episodes of big time rush.

"You know growing I've always had a crush on Camille." Adrien said. "I still do. She's so hot."

"Adrien I'm right here. Anyways I always had a crush on Logan. I still do but now I'm married to the most wonderful man I've ever met and I had a baby with him." I said while kissing him.

Adrien stopped watching Big time rush with me so he can finish cleaning. I stopped watching Big time rush too. I forced Adrien to let me help him clean.

I turned the radio on and we started cleaning. After we finished cleaning we started doing some activities we didn't want to watch tv because we watched enough tv already.

We were doing a puzzle together with the radio on. When we were listening to the radio the song "so close" came on.

It was the song that Adrien and I danced to at the school dance.

"Remember this song? It was the first song we danced to together." Adrien said.

"Yeah I remember. Then we had our first kiss and our first time." I said.

"Technically it was your first time." Adrien said.

"You slept with other girls?" I asked.

"Yeah. Don't be mad." Adrien said.

"I'm not. That was before me anyways." I said.

"Anyways may I have this dance." Adrien said.

I took his hand and we started dancing like we were at our school dance again. I honestly felt like I was at the dance.

While we were dancing Adrien and I were talking about all the memories we made together. We were also talking about the memories we did remember from when we were 13.

The song was ending and then Adrien spun me around. We kissed then we sat back down to finish the puzzle.

I got a call from Mackenzie.

"Hey are you guys having sex?" Mackenzie asked.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" I said.

"Did she just asked us if we're having sex?" Adrien said.

"Sorry to disappoint you but no we are not." I said.

"Good so we can come in now right?" Mackenzie opened our door. "Sorry we didn't want a repeat to what happened last time."

I rolled my eyes. Mackenzie and Mike sat down and helped us finish the puzzle. We were talking while doing the puzzle we finally finished it.

Mackenzie was barely talking to us she was more interested in Ariel. Ever since we got Ariel Mackenzie has been visiting us more often.

She loves Ariel so much. When Mackenzie and Mike left I looked around and I feel like my family has been complete.

I have a wonderful husband, a beautiful baby boy and an adorable dog. I might have more kids in the future but right now I have my dream family.

I can't ask for another family. Even though Adrien and I argue a lot I still love him I'm glad my parents arranged this marriage.

I ended up truly loving Adrien. He always made me happy I love that I made amazing memories with him. I also can't wait to go in tour with him.

The End

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