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"ADRIEN? ADRIEN WHERE ARE YOU?" I yelled after I woke up.

I had a nightmare about Adrien. Usually when I have nightmares Adrien is always there to calm me down. I started panicking that I rushed to Mackenzie's dorm and started knocking on her door.

"Marinette? What are you doing? It's 4 am."Mackenzie said.

"I had a nightmare about Adrien and now I'm freaking out and I need someone to talk to." Mackenzie let me inside her dorm and we started talking.

I told her that my nightmare was about Adrien passing away in the hospital and that I couldn't do nothing about it.

"Ok here's what I want you to do go back to your dorm and tell Adrien about what just happened he can make you feel way better." Mackenzie said.

I left her dorm. When I got to my dorm I picked up my phone to try to call Adrien. He wouldn't answer I think it was because it was too early.

I decided to wait till later when I know he's up. I couldn't go back to sleep so I went to take a shower after the shower I was cleaning the dorm.

I decided to call Adrien again and he finally picked up.

"Hey princess what's up." Adrien said.

"Thank god nothing bad happened to you." I said.

"What do you mean." I started telling Adrien about my nightmare.

"Mari nothing happened to me look in perfectly fine. I wish I would've been there to make you feel better. Wait are you in my room?" Adrien said.

"Yeah I slept here last night." Adrien and I were talking for hours till I had to go to a photo shoot.

I left to go to the photo shoot. I have to do a ton of photo shoots this whole week. I'm totally going to be exhausted.

I kept on getting yelled at by the photographer because I wasn't smiling enough. Of course I'm not smiling enough Adrien is in the hospital I can't seem to get my mind off of him.

"MARINETTE SMILE." The photographer yelled.

"I'm sorry I think I just need to change." I left to go to my dressing room.

I know he's alright but I still get worried I feel like something else is going to happen to him. I stayed in my dressing room for a few minutes.

I went on my phone and I started looking at pictures of Adrien and I. I tried not to cry because I don't want to ruin my makeup.

I went back outside to finish the photo shoot.

After the photo shoot I went back to my dorm. I heard a knock on my door. My parents and Adrien's dad came to visit me they said that they needed to talk to Adrien and I about the wedding.

"So where's Adrien?" My mom asked.

"Adrien is at the hospital because his ex stabbed him." I said.

"Oh my gosh is he going to be ok?" My dad asked.

"The doctors say that that he is but my mind keeps on telling me no I had a nightmare the other day that something happened to him."

"AND YOU WEREN'T THERE TO HELP HIM." Adrien's dad yelled.

"Sir I was there but Adrien went away to go to the bathroom and then a lady tapped my shoulder and said that he's been stabbed." I said.

"THEN THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT." I was hurt when he said that.

Adrien's dad left and my parents kept on telling me that everything will be fine. I knew everything wasn't going to be fine. Adrien's dad is right it is my fault.

"Adrien's dad hates me now I'm so sorry mom and dad but I think we shouldn't do the wedding anymore. I don't want his dad to hate me for the rest of my life." My parents then left.

I canceled everything on my schedule to go to the hospital to visit Adrien and tell him what happened. I really didn't want to call off the wedding.

I'm never going to be able to find someone else like Adrien before Adrien came in my life I had bad luck with boys. I always ended up getting cheated on but Adrien truly loves me.

I know this is going to break his heart. I got to the hospital and I asked the nurse where Adrien was. I walked with the nurse to Adrien's room and Adrien was happy to see me.

"Princess? I can't believe you're here. Is something wrong?" Adrien saw the sad look on my face.

"I don't think we should be together anymore or continue with the wedding." I said.

"Wait what? Why not?" Adrien asked.

"My parents and your dad came to visit me and I told them about what happened to you and your dad got mad and started yelling at me and said that it's my fault. I just don't think your dad wants me in your life anymore." My voice sounded like I was going to cry.

"Marinette he doesn't make that choice it is true that he only made the choice of me marrying you but he doesn't get the choice of breaking us up. I hated the idea of my dad picking a random girl to marry me but now I grateful that he did you know why?"

"Why?" I said while crying.

"Because I love you." I started to cry even more it's the first time he said that he loves me.

"I love you too." I said while kissing him.

Since my schedule is clear for the day I ended up staying with Adrien for a few hours. I had to leave because it was getting late.

I told my parents that we aren't canceling the wedding.

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