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Adrien, Noah and I were going to a photo shoot. Adrien and I thought we could have some family pictures with Noah.

We looked amazing in all of them. We also took some pictures of Noah alone. He looked adorable after all of that we went back home so that Noah could sleep.

Adrien and I were trying to find the perfect tune for our song. I was making food while Adrien was finding the perfect tune then we heard Noah crying.

"Babe can you bring Noah down?" I asked Adrien.

"Sure." Adrien put his guitar down and went to get Noah.

Adrien came down with Noah and Adrien put Noah in his crib. Noah wouldn't stop crying and I really didn't know what to do.

I was still busy cooking and Adrien tried his best to calm him down. I went upstairs to get his bottle after I was done cooking.

When I walked downstairs to give Noah his bottle I saw that Adrien was playing his guitar to Noah. I knew he was going to be the best dad ever.

"He stopped?" I asked.

"Yeah I guess he just loves the sound of my voice." Adrien said.

"Well I do too. The food is ready. Here give him his bottle." I gave Adrien Noah's bottle and I walked over to the kitchen so I can serve Adrien his plate.

"Hey so I just need to tell you that have some things to do in the recording studio so I'll be out of the house for 3 hours." Adrien said.

"Ok hopefully I can take care of Noah all by myself." I said.

After we were done eating Adrien got ready to leave the house. Adrien kissed me before he left. I was watching tv while holding Noah.

Everything was fine for ay least an hour then Noah started crying. I tried everything and Noah wouldn't stop crying.

I wish Adrien was here. The only way Noah would stop crying is if Adrien played his guitar to him. I knew Adrien was busy so I didn't want to bother him.

Adrien ended up calling to check up on me.

"Hey princess how's things with Noah?" Adrien asked.

"Adrien he's been crying for about 8 minutes and I don't know what to do." I said.

"Give him the bottle and try playing some lullabies on the tv I'm pretty sure that will stop him from crying. I got to go bye love you." Adrien said.

"Love you too." I said.

I gave Noah his bottle and I played some lullabies it took a while but he ended up sleeping. I was a mess being a mom is hard.

I've only been a mom for 5 days and I'm already a mess. I ended up taking a nap because I was exhausted.

I woke up with Adrien tapping me on the shoulder.

"Hey Marinette. Woah you look awful." Adrien said.

"Wow Thanks." I said. "I'm really tired I thought parenting was going to be easy. It's time for all of us to go to sleep. Come on Noah you too Adrien let's go."

I put Noah to sleep in his room and Adrien and I went to our room. Adrien and I got in bed.

"I'm sorry I left you alone with the baby." Adrien said.

"It's ok as long as you never leave me alone again." I said.

"Ok I promise. Good night."Adrien said.

"Night." I said.

I got a call from Mackenzie. It's been a while since I talked to her so I answered her.

"Hey." I said.

"Hey what are you doing?" Mackenzie said.

"Oh you know just taking care of Noah." I said.

"Oh so I was wondering if you would like to go on a double date with me and Mike?" Mackenzie asked.

"Wait what? Are you and Mike back together?" I yelled.

"Yeah so what do you say?" Mackenzie asked.

"Well I'm happy for both of you but I can't Adrien and I have been so busy with Noah." I said.

"But you and Adrien haven't been hanging out with us since Noah was born." Mackenzie wined.

"I know but I don't have anyone to take care of Noah." I said.

"I have a cousin that's a babysitter she can take care of him." Mackenzie said.

"Really you think she would?" I said.

"Yeah I'll call her."

"Ok then I'll tell Adrien that we are going on a date with you guys bye."

I went to tell Adrien that we are going to go on a double date with Mike and Mackenzie. We started to get ready and we were leaving a list of things for the babysitter to give to Noah.

After I was dressed I put on my makeup and I did my hair. I was wearing my necklace that Adrien gave me and I wanted to wear some earrings but I couldn't find the other pair of my earring.

I looked everywhere and even in my jewelry box but I couldn't find it.

"Babe have you seen my other earring." I walked in our room and I saw Adrien dressed up all nicely.

"No. What?" Adrien said.

"You just look so handsome." I said. "But for reals where's my other earring."

"Is it this one?" Adrien asked.

"Yes thanks." I put the earring on and we went downstairs. I was getting Noah ready for when the babysitter gets here.

We heard a knock on the door and it was Mackenzie's cousin. We let her in and we started telling her about the things she should do.

"Ok and you have everything under control right?" I said.

"Yeah don't worry." Mackenzie's cousin said.

"Ok well we will be back in 2 hours bye Noah be good." I said.

We walked out of the house and we drove to the restaurant where we're going to meet Mackenzie and Mike.

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