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Geez I really don't feel good. I've been throwing up every morning. I hope I feel better by my wedding next week.

I don't want to be throwing up every second. Adrien has tried to hard to make me feel better. I'm also having a gender reveal party tomorrow.

I can't wait to find out the gender of the baby. I don't care if it's a boy or a girl I just want a healthy baby.

When I was busy throwing up in the bathroom I heard a knock on the door and I told Adrien to go answer it.

I heard arguing and then I heard the door slam open. I also heard loud footsteps coming to the bathroom and then the door opened.

It was my parents. I really didn't want to see them right now. I was on the floor of the bathroom and I signaled to Adrien to get them out.

When Adrien was getting them out my dad pushed him away.

"ADRIEN!" I yelled.

I tried to run to him but my dad grabbed me by my shirt he looked angry at me.


"NO." I said.

I saw that Adrien was on his phone I hope he called for help. I still tried to fight my dad but I couldn't do much since I'm pregnant.

A few minutes later I saw that the cops came running in the dorm. When the cops saw my dad holding me by my shirt my dad let go.

I ran to Adrien and I started hugging him.

"Are you ok?" Adrien asked.

"Shut up. Don't worry about me. I should be worrying about you. Shit you have a lot of bruises." I said.

"Are you two Marinette and Adrien?" The cops asked.

"Yeah." I said.

"Would you mind telling us what happened?" The cops asked.

"Yeah well I used to be a famous model and a few weeks ago I quit modeling for my parents because they got mad at me for getting pregnant before my wedding.Then my parents came here because they were furious when I said that I quit modeling."I said.

"Ok so here's what we can do we can put them in jail or you can go easy on them and let them free."

I really didn't know what to chose I want them in jail but I also don't want to feel like the bad person for putting my parents in jail.

"Let them go." I said.

"Marinette what are you doing?" Adrien said.

"If they do anything like this again I will put them in jail. Can you guys at least take them out." I said.

The cops walked out with my parents and after they left I started to heal Adrien. Adrien has a lot of bruises.

"Take off your shirt let me see if you have any bruises." I said.

Adrien took off his shirt and I forgot how hot he looked without his shirt on. I started to put ice on the bruises.

A few days passed and I started getting ready for my gender reveal party I have pink and blue ribbons on my hair and my clothes are pink and blue.

I went to go find Adrien and I saw that he had his shirt off and he was looking at himself in the mirror. I knew he was looking at his bruises.

"Hey" I said.

"Oh hey." Adrien said.

"Are they still hurting?" I asked.

"A little I look horrible tho." Adrien said.

"Yeah you kinda do." I said.

"Princess you're supposed to say 'no you look cute no matter what'" Adrien said.

"Fine no you look cute no matter-" I said.

"It's not the same anymore." Adrien laughed.

"I was joking you look amazing." I kissed him and we went to the party.

I only invited Adrien's family because my whole family is mad at me for not wanting to be a model anymore all they care about is money.

Everyone was hugging Adrien and I when we arrived. They are my new family because they support me in what I do.

Adrien and I went to sit down and eat. Ally Adrien's cousin gave me a button that said 'boy or girl'. Adrien tried so hard to cover his bruises.

He had bruises on his arm so he has to wear a jacket for the whole time. We can't let his family know that my dad was abusing Adrien.

A few hours passed and it was time for the gender to be reveled. I had a black balloon with the color of the gender.

Adrien and I were holding the balloon and we started counting down so we can pop it.

When we popped the balloon we were so happy because it was a boy. Adrien was really excited he was jumping all over the place.

"I was right to buy all boy clothes." Adrien said.

I laughed at him I loved seeing him happy. I guess Adrien got a little too excited because he ended up taking off his jacket and his whole family gasped at the bruises.

Adrien didn't know what was going on until he saw his arms then he hid his arms behind his back. The whole place was quite.

They were all looking at me thinking I abused him.

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