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I woke up in the middle of the night because I had a nightmare. I got out of my bed and I went to the kitchen to get a glass of water.

When I got out of my room I saw that Adrien was at the kitchen too.

"Hey princess what are you doing up at this time?" He asked.

"Um I had a nightmare I just came here to get a glass of water."I grabbed a cup and I poured water in it. I was walking towards my room till Adrien stopped me.

"Hey I just wanted to say that I'm sorry for not helping you up when you tripped." Adrien said.

"Whatever." I said while flipping him off and walking towards my room.

I went back to sleep and when it was morning I put on my school uniform and went outside my room and went to eat breakfast at the cafeteria before Adrien saw me.

I went to find Mackenzie to tell her who my fiancé was. When I finally found her I was telling her who it was.

"Omg Adrien? He's a jerk he once put gum in my hair" Mackenzie said.

"I'm so sorry he did that but yesterday before I knew I was going to have to marry him I tripped right in front of him and he didn't even bother to help." I said.

"Hopefully marrying him won't be a living hell." Mackenzie said.

"Yeah my parents are also making me stay in the dorms with Adrien." I said.

I was walking to my class when a boy stopped. He was flirting with me I was just talking to him and the boy started asking me out.

Right when I was going to answer him I heard this annoying voice behind me.

"She's taken." When I looked back it was Adrien.

The boy walked away and I got mad at Adrien.

"What?" Adrien said.

"I didn't need you to talk for me." I walked off to go to my class.

After class I went back to my dorm and Adrien and his friends where sitting on the couch watching tv. When Adrien saw me walk in he told his friends to leave because apparently he was busy.

Once his friends left I went to the kitchen to get something to eat.

"Hey Marinette I know you hate me but don't you think we should still get to know each other?" Adrien asked.

"Fine let's get to know each other." I said.

We started talking and I realized that he's actually really interesting.

"Wait seriously your ex kidnapped you once." I said.

"Yeah she was crazy hopefully she doesn't see me with you because I don't want her doing anything bad to you."

Once I started talking to Adrien it turns out he's actually not so bad. He also started to share some personal things with me.

I also started telling him some personal things about myself. We went to Adrien's room so we can finish talking.

I was looking around his room and I saw a picture of him with a woman.

"Who's this?" I asked.

"That's my mom." Adrien said.

"She's really pretty. Where is she?" I asked.

"She died when I was 13." I felt bad for him he started telling me about how close him and his mom were.

It was getting late so I was going back to my room but then Adrien asked me if I want to go to the beach with him tomorrow.

I agreed and then I went back to my room. Adrien is not so bad as I thought he was going to be once I got to know him he's actually really nice.

He is still going to be a jerk and I think I'm going to be arguing with him all the time.                                       
It was the next day and Adrien and I were getting ready to go to the beach. I packed some towels and some snacks. We arrived at the beach and I was setting up everything.

When I was done setting up I changed into my bathing suit. When I came out of the bathroom Adrien was staring at me.

"Why are you staring at me?" I asked.

"You look even hotter with that bathing suit." He said.

I started to blush because that was the first time someone ever called me 'hot'.

"Um thank you I guess." I honestly didn't know how to respond to that. I sat down next to Adrien and we started talking again.

After a while Adrien got up and told me to get in the water with him.

"No thank you I don't want to get in yet." I said, sipping on some water.

When I was drinking my water Adrien took my hand and toss me over his shoulder. It was embarrassing because I was screaming at him to put me down and people were staring.

He kept on walking to the water and he tossed me in there but there's something I didn't tell him I don't know how to swim.

I kept on drowning and I think he thought I was joking but when he realized he pulled me out of the water. He dragged me to the sand and I kept on coughing.

"Are you ok?" Adrien asked. I gave him a death look.

He walked me over to our spot and he put a towel over me. I started telling him that I don't know how to swim.

"What do you mean you don't know how to swim?" Adrien said.

"My parents were always scared something bad would happen to me so they never gave me swimming lessons. I'm really mad that you did that I told you a bunch of time that I don't want to get in."

"I'm sorry." I ignored him because I was honestly so mad at him I could've died. He looked sad then I was feeling bad.

"Aw it's ok." He ended up being happy again.

"How about I teach you how to swim." Adrien said.

"I would love that when tho?" I asked.

"How about tomorrow." I agreed with him.

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