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Adrien and I went to a private pool so he can teach me how to swim. We changed into our bathing suit and Adrien got in the pool.

I was scared to get in the pool but Adrien was trying to get me to jump in.

"Just jump everything is ok." Adrien said.

I got in the pool and I was drowning Adrien was trying to save me. He finally caught me I was so scared that I jumped on him with my legs wrapped around him.

I started hugging him while in that position.

"It's ok Mari I'm right here. You're safe. Are you ok now?"

"Yeah I am." I was feeling much better with Adrien here to make me safe.

I was really shaky afterwards. Adrien continued to teach me how to swim it was still scary but I gotten better.

"Ok I'm going to hold onto you then I'm going to let go so you can swim by yourself." Adrien said.

I began to swim with Adrien holding me and when he let go I started swimming by myself. I was really happy.

"I can swim now" I yelled out.

I swam to Adrien to hug him and he was happy for me. He really believed in me.

"Thank you so much for believing in me." I said while hugging him.

Adrien and I were swimming together and Adrien would sneak up to me and grab me from behind. I'm slowly starting to hate him a little less.

He's making me even more happy than I was before. I've noticed that the whole time we were at the pool I was laughing a lot.

We got out of the pool and we were about to leave. We got dressed and we left the pool and went back to our dorms.

I went to take a shower and then I changed into my pajamas. Adrien walked in my room to talk to me.

"Hey I just want to say that I'm proud of you." Adrien said.

"Thank you. Also thanks for believing in me." We hugged. 

"Good night princess." Adrien said.
I was talking to Mackenzie the next day and I was telling her what happened yesterday with Adrien. She was also happy because she always wanted me to learn how to swim.

I've been hanging out with Adrien for a few days now I've also haven't been mad at him for a few days. I went to the store with Mackenzie to look at some wedding dresses.

There was a lot of beautiful dresses but none of them were my style. So I had an amazing idea I'm going to design my own dress.

When I went inside the dorm Adrien wasn't in there I also checked his room but he wasn't there either. I waited for hours for him but he never showed up.

I was starting to feel worried so I was trying to call him but he wouldn't answer.

It was really late and I couldn't stay up any longer so I ended up sleeping on the couch.

I ended up waking up to the sound of footsteps and when I got up from the couch I saw that Adrien was trying to sneak in.

"Where the fuck were you?" I asked.

"I was just out with my friends that's all. Why do you even care you even said so yourself you don't even want to marry me. You made it super clear that you hate me." Adrien said.

"Adrien I don't hate you anymore you make me feel happy now." I said.

I could tell that he was drunk because he couldn't stand still.

"Adrien are you drunk?" I asked.

"No I'm not now let me go to my room." He said.

"No Adrien whatever is going on you can tell me."

"Nothing is going on let go of me." I kept on holding onto his wrist even though he was trying to break free.

"Adrien let me help you." I said.

"NOTHING IS GOING ON." Adrien slapped me and when he realized he had a scared look on his face. "Marinette I'm so sorry."

I ran to my room and locked my door I couldn't believe he did that. I was crying so much all I wanted to do was to talk to him.

I don't think I can talk to him after what just happened. I really do want to know what's going on with him. I went back to sleep and when I woke up the next morning I went out of my room and when I saw Adrien I quickly ran out of the dorm.

After last night I'm scared of him. I'm not telling Mackenzie about what happened because I don't want her to do anything to him.

Adrien did try to come up to me a few times but I was trying to avoid him. When I went to my dorm to eat lunch I saw that Adrien was there too.

I tried to leave but he pulled my hand.

"LET GO OF ME." I yelled out.

"No just let me explain about what happened last night."


"Marinette I'm sorry ok I didn't mean to slap you. Ok I was drunk last night and I got mad so I slapped you. I would never do that to you I know I could be an asshole sometimes but I would never hit a girl." Adrien held my hand.

"Do you forgive me princess?" Adrien asked.

"Only if you promise not to do that again." I said

"I promise." Adrien said.

I was suddenly not scared of him anymore. We started hanging out again. I also started trusting him again.

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