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"STUPID. CRAZY. CHEATING.DOUCHEBAG!" I yell between each slam against my just now ex boyfriend's car. It feels good to ruin his '65 red Ford Mustang, but not good enough. Not as good as it would feel if I marched back in there and chopped off his two incher-pincher.

Chase loved this thing more than me; no wonder he cheated on me. He loved a car more than his girlfriend of two years. I should have seen it coming. No girl should ever find their boyfriend in his bed with his new lady professor. Who is married.

So, he really does deserve this.

As I slam the crowbar into his windshield, I think about what led us here. But that only makes it worse, so I start hitting harder. My muscles start to tire, but I don't care. All I see is him in bed with her making out under the covers, it fuels my fire, and I can barely feel my muscles cramping up anymore. I'm only focused on caving his windshield in.

I have an extra pair of his keys. It was for emergencies when he would get locked out or forgot his pair.

So you know what I did? I drove it several streets over and started creating this anger filled masterpiece. Along with stealing his car, I stole his crowbar and a baseball bat. I'll get tired of the crowbar, when that happens I'll switch over to the bat.

I'm on the side of the road beating my ex's car to death, I'm actually surprised no one has called the cops or come out here to confront me yet. It is quite a nice neighborhood.

"Excuse me? What are you doing?" Dang it, I spoke too soon. I stop my assault on the car and slowly start to turn towards the little voice that asked that question.

I parked the car in front of an abandoned house, so I know this person didn't come from that house. I turn my head to the right to see this little girl around the age 6 or 7. She's a nosey little one isn't she? Out of all the people who could have confronted me, the only one who was brave enough was this little girl.

Her little black curls bounce around her round face as she tilts her head to the side. She has on a pair of light blue jeans and a long sleeved grey t-shirt with a rainbow colored unicorn on the front. She is quite adorable.

"Um.. I'm destroying my ex boyfriends car, because he did something really mean to me?" It comes out more as a question than a statement. She looks at me like I have gone crazy, which maybe I have, but I could care less right now. The only thing I care about is ruining this car.

Then her face turns into a full blown smile, her eyes sparkle with excitement. She looks happy about this. Maybe I'm not the crazy one, she is.

"Can I help?" She asks me while jumping up and down. Is this kid crazy? She came from out of nowhere, comes up to a stranger, and then asks to help said stranger destroy a car. She is my kind of girl.

I stare at her. My eyes widening and my mouth drops open. I'm actually left speechless at this little girl standing right in front of me, looking excited to help me.

So why shouldn't I let her help me?

"Okay, nosey little girl, grab the bat that's on the side closest to you." I tell her while resuming my destruction of the car.

I slam the crowbar down over and over again, until I start to hear a different sound coming from the little girls side. I see her starting to get her rhythm with the bat. She's hitting the side mirrors while giggling.

I'm starting to find this very amusing.

"Wait," I stop her in the middle of her bringing the bat down onto the hood.

"What's your name?" I ask her, just realizing I didn't know her name. I didn't know my accomplice's name yet.

She smiles before she finally brings the bat down onto the hood. "Josie, my name is Josie,"

"Okay nosey Josie, are you ready to finish what we started?" I ask her while smirking.

"Um.. what is going on here?" Comes a voice from behind Josie. I look over Josie's way to see who is disturbing us.

Holy mother of Jesus Christ.

There stands a guy behind Josie wearing all black, his shirt, pants, shoes, and hat. He is my cup of tea.

"Nothing Daddy," Josie says while turning towards him, but also bringing the bat behind her back to try and hide it.

Daddy? Yeah, he is.

"Josephine, if you don't answer me right now about what you are doing to that car you will get no tablet privileges for a whole month." Josie's dad says while crossing his arms and narrowing his eyes towards nosey Josie.

"Excuse me sir? It is not Josie's fault, I was out here destroying this car because I just found my boyfriend in bed with his professor.. Josie was just helping me out." I say to this mysterious guy whose name I do not know yet; but intend too.

He looks caught off guard by my statement, not as angry as he was when he was fussing at Josie, just caught off guard now.

I stand there, with the crowbar in my hand, waiting for his reply.

He gives me a lopsided grin before his eyes roam the length of my body. I feel tingles start in my toes and go all throughout my body, it almost gives me the chills. His gaze sets my body on fire.

"Knox. I'm Knox, and I see you have already met Josie here, she's my daughter." Well, obviously. She called you daddy, I wanted to say but didn't want to sound weird.

Before I can reply to him he starts speaking again, "So, I'll be right back with my sledgehammer, so you guys can get even more help," Knox says while walking back too, Im guessing, his and Josie's house.

My mouth drops so fast I'm afraid I may have hurt my jaw for a second.

What is with this family?

Out of my leagueحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن