12 || A V E N G E R

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"I gotta say, Red. Your friends are something else."

"You get used to them. They're actually really nice people." Jade said as the two of them walked arm in arm down the street.

"I feel like I just a whole new side of you in there."

"Does that scare you?"

"No. I'm happy you shared that part of your life with with."

"And I'm happy you got to see it. Besides you and everyone back home, those guys are my family. I know it doesn't seem like it but we all care about each other."

It was a warm night. It had rained slightly when they were in the bar meaning the air had that post rain smell. The lights reflected off the puddles on the ground as they continued to walk down the street. It wasn't exactly the safest neighbourhood to be in at night but Jade and Bucky weren't exactly a normal couple.

"Let's go in here." Jade gestured to a corner store. "I want some twizzlers. And we still need to get a bottle of something for our late night trip to the jacuzzi."

"We're still doing that?" He asked with a chuckle as Jade pulled him towards the store.

"Damn right we are." Jade pushed the door to the store open, a bell ringing as they entered.

"Well look who it is." Came a voice from behind the counter.

"Hey, Coop." Jade said with a smile as the cashier came out from behind the counter. He pulled her into a hug, picking her up off the ground and spinning her round.

"Where have you been?" Coop asked as he set her down. "I haven't seen you in ages."

"Oh, you know. Just working." She winked at the old man who just chuckled.

"Working, huh. So you had nothing to do with that facility exploding then?"

"Coop!" Jade gasped dramatically. "I would never!" Coop just raised his eyebrow at her. "Okay fine, that was me. How did you know?"

"Because it had you." He waved his finger up and down. "Written all over it."

Bucky just stood back as the old friends got reacquainted.

"Oh, Coop. This is my boyfriend, Bucky." Jade pulled Bucky towards them.

"New boyfriend, huh? What happened to the other guy?"

"I killed him." Jade told him. Bucky just shot her a look as if to say 'what the hell are you doing?'

"Good." Coop replied to Bucky's surprise. "I never liked him. He was a complete dick."

"That he was." Jade chuckled.

"Good to meet you Bucky." Coop held out his hand and Bucky shook it.

"You too."

"You've got your hands full with this one." Coop nodded towards Jade.

"Tell me about it." Bucky chuckled.

"Hey, don't go ganging up on me. I'll beat both your asses." Jade pointed at them.

Headshot // Bucky Barnes ✔️Where stories live. Discover now