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"So when are we doing this?" Bucky asked. "The plan, I mean."

"I'm not sure yet." Jade stepped back to look at the plan they'd written out.

In case you're wondering, Bucky made me use a pen. He doesn't like my crayons.

"Well whenever you decide, just let me know."

"I will, and thank you." She smiled at him.

"Did I just hear you correctly?" Bucky cupped his ear. "Did you just thank me?"

"Okay, alright." She began to push him towards the door. "You can leave now."

"Come on, Red. I'm kidding." Bucky chuckled. Jade raised her eyebrow at the nickname he'd called her.


"Yeah, you know, cause you're ginger." Bucky flicked at her hair "And usually covered in blood." Jade tried to conceal her smile.

"Alright." Jade started pushing him again. "Out." She opened the door and pushed him out.

"You know you love it." Bucky grinned at her.

"Goodbye." Jade swung the door shut.

"See you later, Red." Bucky called out from behind the door. Jade just smiled and shook her head.

So confession time. I may or may not have developed feelings for Bucky.

I know, I know. Feelings. Gross right? But I just can't help it. There's just something about him that makes it impossible for me to get him out of my head. And there's enough going on up here already without adding him to the mix.

Have I thought about telling him? Fuck no. That's a one way ticket to embarrassing myself in front of him. He's like my best friend, I can't mess that up by telling him.

And if you're thinking "But Jade what if he likes you too?"  then let me stop you right there because he doesn't. I'm a killer. I'm like a constant reminder of what he did while under Hydra's control. Only my brains weren't scrambled egg.

There's no way he likes me in any other way than as a friend... At least, I don't think so.


"A girls day? You want me, the ex-mercenary who's killed more people than she can count to have a girls day?"

"Well when you put it like that it just sounds ridiculous." Nat stated, throwing her hands in the air.

"Stop it." Wanda added. "Yes, we want to have you be part of our girls day." She nudged Jade's arm. "Nat and I have had one nearly every week and I feel bad that we haven't invited you."

"I mean, I guess that could be fun." Jade said as she picked at the skin on her lips. It was the day after her and Bucky argued, then made up, flirted a little, then came up with their super awesome plan and honestly, she needed a break.

Liking a man is exhausting.

"Yay!" Wanda cheered, a huge smile on her face. "The guys know to stay out of the lounge area while we're in there so we won't have to worry about interruptions."

"Shit, I just remembered. We're out of tequila." Nat exclaimed.

"Okay I'm out." Jade threw up her hands.

"No, you're in!" Wanda told her. "We'll just have to make a run to the store."

Ooh, I could kill for some spicy Doritos. You know, maybe kill isn't the best word to use as I actually may have killed someone over a bag of Doritos.

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