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"Not bad, Barnes." Jade said as she got off the bike.

"Is that a compliment?" Bucky turned to her. "Did the great Jade Wilson just compliment me?"

"Don't get used to it." Jade smirked. "Now if you'll excuse me, I think I'll go have a drink. To celebrate a job well done."

"Hold up." Bucky got off the bike and grabbed her wrist. Jade sighed and turned to him. "Well?"

"Well what?"

"Did you find what you were looking for?" He let go of her.


"Really? Then what's that?" He nodded towards the drawing tube on her back.

"It's nothing." She shrugged.

"Jade, when will you realise that you can trust me? That I want to help you."

"Look, I appreciate your help back at the docks, but I can take care of it from here." She went to walk away but he grabbed her wrist again. "Barnes, I swear to God."

"I know you can take care of yourself, I saw that. But that's not why I want to help you." Bucky sighed. "I-I want to help you because-" Bucky was interrupted when the door to the garage opened.

"Shit." Jade pulled from his grasp and ran to hide behind a car.

"Hey, there you are." She heard Steve's voice say. "What are you doing?"

Before she could hear anything else Jade snuck out of the garage and headed upstairs.

Once she was in her room she threw the drawing tube onto her bed before taking off her swords and resting them against the wall.

"Now let's see what you're up to." She unscrewed the top of the drawing tube and slid out the blueprints.

She walked over to her closet and opened the doors. Instead of clothes being inside it was full of all the intel she'd gathered over the past two years.

When she was forced to move in, Jade went back to her, rather shitty, apartment to get the few items she owned and her intel on Novikov. She didn't have much but now, thanks to Starks technology, she had plenty.

Her intel covered the walls. There were photos, maps, names of know associates. Everything she could possibly need to track him down. She cleared some space and pinned the blueprints to the wall.

After Jade had found out what Novikov was really up to, he'd ordered her to be killed. But being a mutant, she didn't stay dead long.

—— three years ago ——

"Let go of me you pig!" Jade spat as one of Novikovs guards dragged her into his office by her arm.

"Ah there she is." Viktor said as he stood from his desk. The guard threw her forward and she fell to her knees.

"What's going on?"

"Well Jade, let me tell you what's going on." Viktor moved from behind the desk to the front of it. "I know what you've been doing, Jade."

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"I don't like liars, Jade. Which is exactly what you are." He leaned towards her, his face inches away from hers. "See, I know you've been snooping. Snooping into business that frankly doesn't concern you. And then I hear that one of my business partners got raided by the FBI. Now, how do you think that makes me feel?"

"You're trafficking people!" Jade exclaimed, knowing she'd been caught. "I don't give a fuck how that makes you feel."

"My, my. Such nasty language for such a pretty girl like you." He stroked her face with his finger.

Headshot // Bucky Barnes ✔️Where stories live. Discover now