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"Are you two holding hands?"

"Good eye, Sherlock." Jade held up her and Bucky's intertwined hands as they walked into the living area.

Everyone was sitting around having breakfast. Some on the sofa, others sitting at the kitchen island.

"When did this happen?" Sam gestured to the couple.

"Yesterday." Jade told them as she moved from Bucky and began to pour some cereal.

"Where were you guys yesterday anyway? We didn't see you like all day."

"We went out." Jade explained. "Went for walk, then for dinner, then we saw a movie." Bucky raised his eyebrow at the lie she'd come up with.

"Guys." Nat interrupted. "Look at this." She held the remote out in front of her as she turned up the TV.

"A privately owned facility, just off the coast, burned down last night. Reports say that witnesses heard multiple explosions before the building was engulfed in flames. Many bodies were also discovered in and around the facility. FBI and local police suspect the explosions could have been accidental. We'll have more on this story as it progresses."

"Accidental?" Nat raised her eyebrow. "How often do buildings accidentally explode?"

"It happens." Jade shrugged. "You leave the wrong equipment unattended and then boom." She mimicked an explosion with her hands.

"And you would know this how?" Tony turned to her.

"Hold up, can we go back to the fact that Jade and Barnes are a couple?" Clint gestured to the pair.

"What's the big deal?" Jade asked as she handed Bucky a bowl of cereal.

"Because it's you. And it's Bucky." Sam stated.

"Guys come on. Leave them alone." Wanda walked over to Jade. "I am happy for you both." She pulled Jade into a hug.

"Thank you, Wands." Jade hugged her back with one arm as she was holding her bowl in the other.

"I'm happy for you, Buck." Steve clapped his friends shoulder.

"Thanks, Steve." Bucky smiled at him.

The rest of the team all took turns telling the couple they were happy for them. Jade sat on the sofa next to Bucky as everyone continued to eat and chat.

"Is the kid still swinging by today?" Sam asked no one in particular.

"Yeah, he'll be by later with his aunt." Tony told them as he drank his coffee.

"Oh, when they get here we should play Uno!" Wanda called out.

"No!" Everyone in the room, bar Jade, yelled out at the same time.

"What's wrong with Uno?" Jade asked.

"Ask your boyfriend." Sam gestured to Bucky. Jade turned to Bucky who was glaring at Sam.

"What's wrong with Uno, Bucky?"

"There's nothing wrong with it." He practically stammered.

"Tell that to the old coffee table." Tony said, not looking up from his phone.

"What happened to the old coffee table?"

Headshot // Bucky Barnes ✔️Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora