07 || T H E P L A N

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"What have you found out?" Viktor poured himself a glass of scotch before sitting down behind his desk.

"Nothing as of yet, sir." Matthew cleared his throat. "Whoever's doing this is good."

"Apparently so." Viktor sipped his drink. "And the facility?"

"Construction is complete. My guys will begin operations tonight."

"Good." Viktor swirled the liquid in his glass. "And Woods?"


"Next time I ask for you, you better have something for me on our little problem, or you're not going to like what happens."

"Yes sir."


"Ugh, my head." Nat groaned as she sat up from the sofa.

"Morning." Jade was sitting, cross legged, on top of the bar eating a bowl of cereal.

"How are you not hungover?" Nat asked, rubbing her eyes. Jade just shrugged her shoulders and took a mouthful of cereal.

"What time is it?" Wanda mumbled as she pulled herself up.


"Are you serious?" Nat exclaimed.

"No, it's actually noon. I just wanted to mess with you guys." Jade chuckled.

"I hate you." Nat groaned as she stumbled off the sofa and left the room.

"Love you too!" Jade called after her.

"What's your plan for today?" Wanda asked her as she stood up and stretched.

Murder. Arson. You know, the usual.

"Not much." Jade put another spoonful of cereal into her mouth. "You?"

"I'm going back to bed." Wanda yawned and waved to Jade as she left the room.

Jade hopped off the bar and followed Wanda out, making her way to the kitchen as the Sokovian went to her room.

"Hungover?" Sam asked her as she walked in. He was sitting on the couch drinking coffee while fiddling with RedWing.

"Nope. I'm stone cold sober." Jade skipped over to the dishwasher and put her bowl in it.

"Why am I not surprised." Sam scoffed. Bucky chuckled from his seat at the kitchen island. Jade slid him a note as she passed him. She winked at him before throwing a cushion at Sam and leaving the room.

Meet me in my room. And bring snacks :)

Bucky chuckled to himself at the crayon written note and stuffed it in his pocket. He drank the last of his coffee before excusing himself from the room.

"Red, open up." He knocked on Jade's door and the red head quickly answered.

"Where are the snacks?" Was the first thing she said.

"Good afternoon, how are you?" Bucky said, sarcastically.

"Good afternoon, Bucky. Where are the snacks?"

"I didn't think you were serious." Bucky moved into her room and she shut the door.

"I'm always serious." Jade folded her arms and Bucky just stared at her. "Okay I'm rarely serious but I'm always serious when it comes to snacks."

"What's this about, Red?" He asked as he leant against her desk.

"It's go time."

"The plan? You want to do it today?"

Headshot // Bucky Barnes ✔️Where stories live. Discover now