Chapter 2

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Tyler pov

Wow! Was all I could say as I left Bella in shock. That was one hell of a kiss being her first one and I know she never was with another guy before so I was sure she was innocent. 'Not for long' I thought to myself ill do her then leave her my favorite motto. I can't believe se made me smile it felt so foreign hopefully she didn't see it I smirk at how feisty she was who would of known the geek as some fire in her " oh man what are u up to know ?" I turned to see me best man Clayton "what do you mean bro? I'm not always up to something" my smirk grew wider as he gave me that yeah whatever look.

" please Tyler I'm your best friend I know that smirk, spill" he demanded waiting with his arms crossed. I sighed leaning on the locker with my arms crossed " let's just say I got a new goal for the next 2 months" he unfolded his arms shaking his head " tsk what is the poor girls name? And what's your goal?" I laughed at how he can read straight threw me. " her names Bella. Goal is to make her mine by then end of the 2nd month" he looked shocked " you mean the nerd Bella ? As in ur neighbor? As in chief of police daughter Bella?" He asked all at once with a look that clearly says are u crazy?

"Yes, yes and yes" I laughed as he shook his head "be careful man wouldn't wanna visit you in jail or see u in the morgue when her father takes out his shot gun on you" he laughed patting my back sighing "you've been warned dude" he said getting his things from his locker " oh ill be okay plus he can't do anything if she's willing right?" I rose my brow waiting for him to say I was wrong. But never came "true" was all he said, heading to math we meet up with the rest of my crew Danny and Phil. And immediately spoke about the football team while girls pounced on me with no morals that's the greatest thing about high school and being me girls threw them-self on me even after I broke there heart. But one girl, Bella.

Leaving the boys I headed to math already 5 minutes late but who gives a shit. "Ah nice for you to join us Mr Cromby" Mr tart the math teacher said in a sarcastic tone, but he wasn't what I was focused on their sat the one and only Bella at the back with the last seat left it was a table for too. I smirk at my luck, her eyes locked on mines in shock 'oh yeah this is gunna be fun' I smirk without braking my eye contact to her beautiful emerald green ones I respond to mr tart "oh the pleasure is mine Mr tart all mine"

Bella's pov. WARNING**** sexual activity if ur under age or not comfortable u can skip it I apologize if u do**** u were warned. This is my first writing something like this sorry if its not great

'Oh god no, no' I said to myself over and over the world was out to get me 1st Tyler's goal than the kiss now he has math with me and on top of that the only chair left his next to me dammit. "oh the pleasure is mine Mr tart all mine" he said not braking eye contact with me those blue eyes that sucked me into an unknown world my mind drifted off to our kiss how his lips felt, how gentle was the kiss than how it became intense then his sexy groa..

" you mind if I sit" I was brought back 'shit' I was day dreaming I didn't even see him walk over crap ' say something you idiot' "um..yeah it is the last seat" he smirk taking the seat next to me . He's scent hit me and I can feel my legs getting week as I inhaled his old spice scent. God what is happening to me. I jump as Tyler places his hand on my bare thigh and squeezes gentle "oh kitten were gunna have a lot of fun back here" he whispered huskily in my ear. I bite them on my cheek to stop the moan that wants to escape. "Don't touch me Ty " I said weakly 'dam' why did I sound so unsure hopefully he didn't noti..

" it don't sound like you want me to stop kitten" dam someone up there doesn't like me. His hands traveled slowly and gently further up my thigh, my heart was beating wildly ' stop him you idiot' I said to myself while having a battle between my mind and body. " so soft kitten" he said huskily in my ear my stomach clenched in a weird way 'what the hell is this feeling' my breathing became heavier I was enjoying this unknown feeling but confusion must have been clear on my face as he spoke

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