Chapter 3

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Bella's pov

Anger, lust, embarrassment and confusion is all i felt at this moment. What the hell was I thinking? Why did I enjoy the feel of it? The thrill?. Tyler tried to speak to me several times, but I would avoid him. To embarrassed to face him, what he made me feel was out of this world. I wanted to scream rape but I couldn't I was just at fault as he was. Threw out lunch I would join in on lulu and Gina's conversations but my eyes would always drift to Tyler's, an as always he'll be looking back with an unknown expression.

The girls knew something was up but I was glad they didn't push the subject. I nearly caught a heart attack when I noticed I had gym with Tyler but for some reason he didn't show I was glad but sad at the same time. School was finally over, I rushed to my car and sped home. I didn't wanna face the girls and Tyler for that matter. Finally reaching home I head to my favorite part of the house the kitchen, I barely at anything at lunch thanks to a certain someone.

Starving I made me some Mac and cheese and headed to my room , thankfully no homework was giving out today so I just popped on one of my favorite movies 'hangover' I laughed so hard during the whole thing. As soon as the Chinese or Japan guy came out of the trunk I doubled over crying laughing you couldn't even see his lil Thing. All thoughts of dad, the girls, Tyler my mom was gone I felt relaxed and the next thing I knew I was falling into a dreamless sleep.

*Tyler pov*

All day I tried to talk to my kitten. 'Woah buddy what was that' I said to myself for some reason it hurt that she was ignoring me but I pushed it aside I'm not one for emotions, me and the boys left last period I was in no mood to face Bella knowing we had gym together we where in the football field with some of our team players while the cheerleaders cheered. After everything in my life the one thing that hasn't changed was football

" Hey handsome" I turned to see Veronica twisting her hair with her finger she had a skimpy short skirt and a white low cut shirt leaving nothing to the imagination with some heels, she was always my backup when ever I needed special attention "hey sexy" I said with my most seductive smirk while placing my hands on her hip "don't you look yummy today" I say lust clear in my voice. She giggled her hands roaming my chest I shivered not liking her touch 'that's weird' I thought but clearly Veronica took it as something good.

"If I look yummy care to have a taste" she said I can already feel my shaft tightening Veronica was good in bed that's why I kept her this long if not she would have been just another fuck and leave. Smirking I grabbed her hand guiding her to the secluded part of the field while nodding to the boys. Bella left me hot and bothered for more and Vern was just the girl to fix that we'll I hoped.


Well that was a complete wasted. Practice was done so I headed home, Veronica did not help in the least as I pounded in her I felt nothing I pound harder for some feeling but nothing as Vern screamed my name all I thought was how Bella's sounded saying my name and it made no comparison. Frustrated I slammed my car door closed and headed to my house door, stealing a glance I see Bella's Mercedes in the front and notice her fathers not home 'enough' I repeat in my head I didn't wanna think of her she could ignore me I don't give a shit but I will have her and once I get her ill move on.

I convinced myself that she was on my mind cause she was my target and I wanted to bed her. Heading to my room I strip out my cloths walking to my bathroom I felt dirty and wanted to get any trace of Vern off of my, stepping into the hot shower I let everything go and relaxed the hot water soothed my tense muscles I scrub myself until I felt fresh and washed my hair grabbing a towel I wrapped around my waist and headed to my closet and put on my gym shorts

" oh gosh that's hilarious" I heard someone say. Confused I walk towards the noise and saw Bella doubled over laughing I couldn't help but laugh with her, what caught my attention was what she was wearing my window is right across from hers with only a tree in between but she always closed her curtain or was more covered. She had white short shorts and a tight t-shirt I couldn't help looking at her long tan legs my eyes wondered up to her flat stomach to her breast 'oh god' I mentally thought my shaft was on attention and wide awake.

dam who would have known she had that body under all those close she normally wears this was the 2nd time I've seen her legs and I wanted to know how it would feel around my waste 'there you go ' I though if I didn't turn around I know I would have to take care of my friend myself she look so care free she didn't even have a bun. I turn around plugging my iPod in my ear hearing my whole list trying to fall asleep with no luck, knowing she was so close but far was driving me insane an hour has past and I couldn't help but look over to her room

she was sleeping on the floor with her head on the bed the credits playing on the tv before I knew it I was climbing the tree lifting up her window slowly knowing I could wake her and that mr knight was home he'll definitely shoot me. Stepping into her room I look around it wasn't a nerdy room her room was white with black trimming a queen size bed on the wall a study desk and computer on the other side a dresser with mirror she also had her private bathroom her room was carpeted a nice soft feeling to it black and white.

Turning off the tv I lifted Bella off the floor and placed her in her bed, as soon as her body was placed she opened her eyes "thanks Ty" she said closing her eyes I stared confused until she jump out the bed "Tyler what the hell your doing in my room!?" She yelled "shhh your fathers gunna hear" I said covering her mouth "Why are you here?" She whispered yelled " we'll I saw you on the floor so I... Um I thought I could put you in bed and turn the tv off" I said scratching the back of my head why the heck would I come here? Or even want to put her in bed?. Bella looked around not looking at me I can tell she felt embarrassed but she had no reason to.

"Well thank you weirdo" she laughed lighting up the mood I couldn't help but join I stopped looking at Bella frozen staring at me like I've grown two heads "what?" I said confused "um ... Well.. You haven't laughed Ina long time" she said looking away as if I was gunna get mad. She was right after the incident with my parents I was different more closed off I put my face emotionless so she wouldn't see how I felt I walked to her bed pulling the covers down "what Are you doing Ty?" She said softly to not set me off I'm guessing I loved when she calls my the nickname she gave me I felt tingles run down my back but ignored it "get in" I said tell her to lay Down, walking slowly she crawled into bed .

Climbing in with her she froze "Ty where not" before she finished I cut her off knowing what she thought I wanted, yes I wanted to have her but at that moment I wanted to hold her while she slept. "I just wanna hold you sleep kitten!" She sighed after a moment of looking into my eyes to see if I was lying she slide closer to my side as I covered us her smell circled me she smelt of strawberries. I stiffened as she cuddled on me placing her head on my bare chest I couldn't help but wrap my arms around her, sighing I inhaled her scent "night Ty" Bella whispered half asleep "night kitten" I said and smiled closing my eyes welcoming a much needed sleep.

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