Chapter 22

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**Bella's Pov

''Ugh!!'' I groaned, My head was pounding, My throat felt like i was on fire and my body felt numb. Opening my eye's was a lot harder than i thought i panicked as i heard a lot of different beeping noise. My heart picked up pace why could't i move? or open my eyes?.

''Ms Knight i need you to relax take a deep breath'' Someone said near me his voice was calm and collected. Taking several deep breaths my heart managed to go down. ''Good now you was in a coma.. your body is very weak so take your time opening your eyes'' He said

'WHAT' i screamed mentally i was in a coma? for how long? hows my dad? my baby? Tyler? Oh god. ''Bella relax, its not good for the baby's'' i took a breath 'WHAT? BABY'S?' My eyes shot open as i looked at my Dr. Dr kane smiled down at me checking my vitals

''Babies?'' i croaked ''KITTEN' i snapped my head to the now open door as my love stood standing breathing heavily. He looked so tired so stressed i wondered how long was i like this?. ''BABY'' He yelled as he ran to me

''God i love you baby i miss you so much, so much'' He said as he began to sob as he rocked me i held onto his shirt as if life depended on it as i cried with him i missed him and i wanted to be with him like this forever, As that thought came i froze as everything came back to me...


''Hey Bella you had a pretty bad fall, but the baby is okay and your up so that's a good thing'' Dr Kane said as he flashed a light into my eyes. ''How long was i out for?'' I asked my body felt weak as i tried to sit up my head pounded and i was starving.

''For an hour, and your body needs rest'' he said laying me back down. ''wheres my dad and Kayla?'' i asked looking around the empty room. ''Your dad is still in surgery and Ms Cromby went home to inform Tyler what happening?'' Oh god my dad he got shot and now Tyler will know about the baby.

'' Don't worry i know your dad will be great and Kayla will not tell him that's up to you but in case he needs to know how you doing even if he doesn't know why'' Dr Kane said patting my shoulder. ''I'll get you some food OK i know your hungry'' i nodded a yes i was starving as he left my phone rang.

I searched for it as i found it on the counter with my purse. Their was a call from a unknown number as i was about to put i down the numbered call again. ''Hello'' I said lowly ''Ah my dear how are you holding up?'' a man asked with a hint of sarcasm ''Whos this?'' i asked more strongly.

'' Hey is that any way to talk to your child's Grandfather little one'' I froze it can't be, how did Tyler's dad get my number? and how he knows I'm pregnant? ''What do you want'' i said i didn't like this man and from the story's Kayla and Ty told me i liked him less.

''Hows your dear father i know he got shot'' He chuckled ''How?'' i asked as he laughed clearly understanding my question. Fury build in me as i figured he had something to do with it. '' What do. you. want.?'' i asked more aggressively. He stop laughing at once.

''My money, you see Bella i happen to be close to the man your father has been chasing all these years and if it wasn't for me he'd be dead but if you follow my instructions he will live'' this cant be happening.

Tyler's Father is involved with a mass murderer and he's threatening my fathers life for money. ''I'm Listening'' was all i could say my dad was all i had left and now my baby i had to protect them at all cost.

''That's it little one. You see i want my money back and if you marry my son i wont get it so here's the deal, you break his heart and leave him and i get whats mine OR you stay with him and get married while receiving my money. And lets just say if you chose the second Poor Bella wont have a father and a Father for her kid, Huh! i wonder what my poor ex wife would do unprotected?''

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