Chapter 26

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Tyler's Pov

''What's the matter son? you okay

now?' Alex asked as we stop a little

away from the door. He placed his hand

on my shoulder giving me time to

answer, Alex would of been a great

father to me if i was his, heck he

treats me like a son now and the

feeling is foreign but good.

'' not. I wanna kill him Alex..

i wanna do it with my bare hands and

watch as his life leaves his eyes for

threatning Bella and my children. But

thats not what i brought you out here

for'' I said as he stayed shut and


For a cheif what i said could land me

in jail but for a father he wanted the

same the only difference was i'd beat

him to it. ''What is t son'' Alex said

as i stood silent, concern filled his

face than confusion as i smile

thinking about what i was going to do.

''She's asleep guys, so. When were

leaving?'' My mom asked as she and the

rest followed behind. Anyone would

think we were having a meeting in the

hallway i laughed mentally if only

they knew.

''Well were not leaving today were

leaving tomorrow night'' I said to

everyone. ''What do you mean sweetie

dont you think we need to go back

and..f..finish this'' My mom croaked

at the end.

She was hurting. Hurting because she

onced loved a phyco, because i got

stuck with a father like that and

because in a way she thinks he was put

in Bella's life because of me.

''Mr Knight'' I called Alex by his

last name. I wanted to do this right

and i guess he had a feeling this was

important to me as he studied my face

and nodded.

The way we were in the hallway was

like i was getting ganged on. I stood

alone as everyone stood behind Alex.

''Mr Knight... I love your daughter

with such intensity that she's needed

for my survival, i'm not kidding when

i say i'd be blind if she leaves

because shes my eyes, i'd stop

breathing because shes my air and i'd

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