"By the way, what does 'Oppa' mean?" Sasuke asked, unfamiliar with the term.

"Ah... I'm sorry for mixing Korean terms with English in this situation. Cough* 'Oppa' in Korean means older brother and is used exclusively by women," Nari explained, adopting the role of a diligent student.

"Oh, I see," Sasuke replied nonchalantly.

"Heh~ I thought Oppa looked smart, but I guess I was wrong, fufu~" Nari chuckled, teasing Sasuke playfully.

"Let's see... who was crying and clinging onto me like a brat earlier..." Sasuke refuses to be outdone.

Nari's face turned as red as a tomato. "Th-those circumstances were beyond my control, urgh..." Nari recalled the incident, feeling immensely embarrassed. "Hmph! But you should consider yourself lucky to be hugged by a beautiful girl like me, you know!"

Sasuke chuckled, seeing how the once-frightened girl could now engage in comfortable banter. He felt a sense of pride. "Why should I feel honored to be hugged by a kid like you?"

Nari felt her pride being challenged. "Urgh... you'll see when I grow up!"

Unbeknownst to Nari, she was exhibiting a somewhat spoiled attitude, unknowingly playing into Sasuke's teasing.


As time passed, they ventured deeper into the forest.

"Stop," Sasuke commanded, halting Nari's steps with his left hand.

"I sense a colony of monsters just a few hundred meters from here," Sasuke informed Nari about the nearby presence of magical beasts.

"Ughh..." Nari tensed upon hearing about the magical beasts' proximity.

"There are sixty of them," Sasuke discerned with his heightened senses, accurately gauging the number of magical beasts assembling.

"Before we proceed, I'll leave a clone here with you," Sasuke decided.

He performed a series of hand seals.


"Moku Bunshin no Jutsu" (Wood Style: Wood Clone Jutsu).

Thud. Thud.

Two wooden clones materialized from Sasuke's body.

"Wow," Nari's eyes widened in awe.

"Let me know if anything happens," the original Sasuke instructed his clone.

Both clones nodded simultaneously.

"Nari, they will protect you while I advance. Don't worry; they're strong," Sasuke assured her.

"Okay... Oppa, please be careful," Nari understood the situation, realizing that her presence would only impede Sasuke's ability to fight effectively.


Sasuke swiftly vanished from their sight.


Swish. Swish.

Sasuke leaped agilely from tree to tree, sensing the multitude of monsters nearby.

"There they are," Sasuke thought, honing in on their location.

Swish. Thud.

With a precise landing, Sasuke arrived at his destination.

"Oh, Great Warrior... I've been anticipating your arrival!" a colossal monster greeted Sasuke from a distance.


Across the vast expanse that served as their base, the colony of giant magical beasts stood in perfect formation, akin to battle-hardened soldiers.

"Their heights range from six to eight meters, like giants with horse-like legs," Sasuke coldly observed the immense centaur army.

"Now... shall we entertain ourselves, oh Great Warrior?" the leader of the magical beasts challenged arrogantly.

Clank. Crash.

The vanguard magical beast, resembling the colony's leader, swung its massive sword and forcefully struck the ground, provokingly.

Clank. Clank. Clank.

The creatures behind him drew their swords, following the leader's lead.

Sasuke's blood-red Sharingan blazed intensely, fixated on the army of giant centaurs.

Poof. Clank.

Sasuke unsheathed the Kusanagi sword, summoning it forth from the seal on his wrist.


Sasuke fearlessly dashed towards the colossal warrior.


"GRAHHHH!" The magical beasts roared in warlike fury, their galloping hooves creating thunderous claps.


The ground trembled beneath their thunderous footsteps.

Sasuke in Another DimensionTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon