Sasuke's Current Situation

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Sasuke's POV:

The incessant beeping of the alarm clock abruptly pulled me out of my slumber, but the room was still shrouded in darkness. It seemed that the sun had yet to rise.

It's been a while since I woke up feeling this refreshed. Traveling through different dimensions can take its toll on chakra.

I swung my legs out of bed and splashed my face with cold water before settling down in the living room, lost in my thoughts.

Where is our true enemy hiding? How much longer must I remain here? Is Konoha safe from potential threats?

I hope Naruto is doing a good job of protecting the village in my absence.

I grabbed a scroll and began jotting down my report.

A year had passed since the end of the war, and a new threat had emerged—the Otsutsuki Clan.

The origin of Otsutsuki Kaguya remained a mystery to me. She possesses immense power and a strong sense of self-importance, yet she seems oddly cautious as if she's waiting for danger to seek her out.

This world is vast and treacherous. I never anticipated getting stranded in an unfamiliar dimension, where enemies employ mysterious techniques involving space and time.

The people here boast an advanced civilization, and most of them are unaccustomed to combat. The general atmosphere is one of prosperity and tranquility.

Yet, I sense a foreign energy that they refer to as "magical power." It is harnessed by certain individuals and magical creatures, much like how shinobi use chakra to fight.

Initially, I only sensed a faint presence of this magical energy, but over time, it has grown stronger.

According to the memories I've obtained from our enemies, there are formidable beings—angels or demons—who utilize dimensional portals containing magical beasts. The locals here call them gates or dungeons.

Their origins remain obscure, as does the identity of our true adversary.

If this enemy proves to be formidable and poses a threat to the peace of Konoha and the shinobi world, it would be disastrous.


Writing these reports had become a habit of mine during my travels. It ensured that I conveyed crucial and dangerous information to the Hokage upon my return.

As I finished my report, a sudden realization struck me—I had nearly forgotten something important that required my immediate attention.

"I can't believe I almost forgot about that." I swiftly retrieved my smartphone and dialed a number.

The voice of Adam, my assistant, greeted me through the speaker.

"Good morning, sir," he said.

"Morning, Adam. I need you to find a skilled swordsmith for me. Once you locate one, come here and collect the necessary materials," I instructed him.

"Yes, sir. I'll get right on it," Adam replied before ending the call.


Adam's POV:

A few days ago:

"Agent Adam White, I have a new assignment for you," Deputy Director Connor addressed me with a serious tone.

"Yes, sir."

The way he spoke hinted at the gravity of the situation.

Deputy Connor handed me a file.

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