Looking for Souvenirs and Sloppy Girl

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The changing room door creaked open, followed by a loud thud as Sasuke stepped out, sporting a stylish hoodie, pants, and black shoes. He glanced at his expensive watch and noted that it was still 10 am, leaving him with approximately four hours until the raid on Queens.

"Looks like there's plenty of free time," Sasuke mused to himself.

He pulled out his smartphone, hoping to find something interesting to do around the Guild's location. After swiping through the screen for a while, he couldn't find anything that caught his attention, except for a nearby bookstore.

"Well, maybe that's not a bad idea," he thought, realizing he needed a break from all the intense work he had been doing. Sasuke had been pushing himself hard, practicing mana comprehension, researching gates, and searching for clues about the invisible enemies that posed a significant threat.

In Sasuke's opinion, having invisible enemies was the most dangerous situation one could face.

He let out a deep sigh and made his way towards the elevator.

"Master Sasuke..." a familiar voice called out.

Sasuke glanced over and saw Laura, the guild secretary.

"Laura," he acknowledged her, his voice filled with professionalism.

The elevator bell chimed, and both of them stepped inside as the doors opened.

"Which floor?" Sasuke asked without even looking at her.

"Uhmm... the seventh floor, thank you, sir," Laura awkwardly replied, expressing her gratitude.

Sasuke nodded, pressed the buttons for the first and seventh floors, and the elevator started moving upwards.

Silence enveloped them as they stood side by side, facing the elevator door.

"Master Sasuke... do you have other business?" Laura finally broke the silence.

Laura noticed that Sasuke had pressed the button for the first floor, indicating that he didn't intend to go to his office on the fifteenth floor.

"Um," Sasuke replied simply.

"I see... Should I arrange vehicle and bodyguard accommodations?" Laura quickly offered her assistance, showcasing her skills as a secretary.

"No need, the place is not far," Sasuke answered while putting on a mask.

"Understood," Laura acknowledged his choice without attempting to persuade him otherwise.

The elevator chimed, signaling their arrival on the first floor. Sasuke walked out without glancing at Laura or saying a word, leaving her behind as the elevator doors closed once again.

"What a cold man. But handsome..." Laura muttered to herself with a stoic expression, observing Sasuke's retreating figure until he disappeared from her sight.


August 28, 2016

Sasuke took in a deep breath, feeling the cold Manhattan air against his skin as he strolled casually along the crowded sidewalk. It was Monday, and he found himself in a densely populated area filled with offices and shopping centers.

"Maybe I can find a book as a souvenir for when I return to Konoha," Sasuke contemplated.

He believed books were a great choice, considering that his friends in Konoha were avid readers, except for someone with blonde hair.


"Naruto... are you sick?" Sakura asked, her voice tinged with concern.

"Hmm... I don't know, maybe someone else is talking bad about me," Naruto replied with a goofy face, oblivious to the snot still hanging from his nose.

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