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"Oh god, is it even possible for a gate like this to just pop up out of nowhere?" The chaos spreads like a virus, as people halt in their tracks and stare up at the gate towering above them like a giant skyscraper. Some are awed, others terrified, while some just snap photos.

But the people are blissfully ignorant of the impending catastrophe looming behind the gate...

The White House is in chaos as advisors argue over the best course of action. "Mr. President, I urge you to evacuate the residents around the gate. We have no idea what kind of monster could be lurking there!" one advises.

But another disagrees vehemently. "That's unnecessary! All we need is the strongest hunter in America to shut that gate down. We can't afford to cause a panic!"

"You're insane! We have to protect the American people!" someone else shouts.

As the meeting spirals into chaos, the director of the federal hunter speaks up. "Gentlemen, we've never faced a high-level gate like this before. The world has never faced a catastrophe like this. My recommendation is to announce to all the hunters in the world that anyone willing to clear America's gates will be highly compensated."

"That's a great idea, Mr. Director. Don't forget to recruit the best hunters to protect our country," the president praises.

After the official announcement, hunters from around the world flock to California to participate in the Gate Raid. The biggest names in the business, like Thomas Andre and Liu Zhigang, come to the front lines to fight.

Hundreds of S-rank hunters and countless A to E-rank hunters converge on the scene. "I've never seen so many hunters in one place before," someone comments.

"Yeah, this is war," another replies.

As the strongest hunters gather for a little chat, tension crackles in the air. "First of all, on behalf of the US government, I want to thank you all for your help," Brennon begins.

But the impatient Chris interrupts. "Can we skip the pleasantries and get straight to the point?"

"Hahaha, Chris, always the impatient one," the muscular blonde man laughs.

"Let me tell Thomas that strategy or whatever will be useless," Chris retorts.

Thomas chimes in. "Well, Chris is right. The strongest will solve the problem."

Brennon continues. "Since you four are the strongest with a good track record, Thomas, Chris, Liu, and Siddhart will take the lead."

Liu and Siddhart nod in agreement, eager to get started.

"Fine. Since there's a dungeon break estimated for tomorrow, please take care of yourselves until then," Brennon concludes.

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