Fall and Rise

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"Thank you for coming, Mr. Uchiha." The middle-aged man before Sasuke was none other than Director David Brennon, dressed in a neat suit with light brown hair tied in a small ponytail and blue eyes. He greeted Sasuke with a warm smile, acknowledging the importance of his presence.

Sasuke nodded in response, his stoic expression giving away little of his thoughts.

Seated across from the director of the Hunter Bureau, Sasuke faced not only David Brennon but also Deputy Director Michael Connor and a bodyguard who appeared to be a fellow hunter.

"Mr. Hunter, on behalf of the government, I would like to express our gratitude for your assistance in defeating the Red Dragon and the army of magical beasts. We are prepared to offer you proper compensation and fulfill any reasonable requests you may have," David Brennon announced, cutting to the chase.

Sasuke let out a sigh, feeling a sense of weariness from these formalities.

"But if you are interested in becoming a citizen of the United States, we can provide further benefits," Brennon continued, with the deputy director producing a stack of papers related to citizenship.

Sasuke considered the offer, weighing the potential advantages. He recognized the value of gaining access to classified information about gates, monsters, and hunters, as well as the resources and support of the country. However, he had one requirement that he wished to stipulate.

"I accept your offer, but I have a condition," Sasuke stated firmly.

"Please, go ahead and share your requirement," Brennon responded, eager to accommodate Sasuke's request.

"First, I demand unrestricted access to all confidential information regarding gates, monsters, hunters, and any other subjects I inquire about."

"Secondly, as I intend to delve into the origins of the gates and magical energy, I expect that if you wish to share any information derived from my research, you must obtain my permission, even if it is requested by the leader of this country."

"And finally, I insist on the right to enter the gates alone," Sasuke concluded, emphasizing his desire for independence.

Brennon paused, considering Sasuke's demands. Initially hesitant about the last condition, he recalled Sasuke's formidable display of power when he single-handedly defeated the Dragon Kamish. It made him realize the futility of worrying about such a trivial matter.

Sasuke's eyes turned cold, emanating an overwhelming aura of power. The room fell silent, and a sense of unease washed over Brennon and the others present.

"But let me make one thing clear," Sasuke spoke with an icy calmness. "If any of you dare to conspire behind my back..."

In an instant, bursts of blue energy surged from Sasuke's body, creating an intimidating storm of power.

The room trembled as furniture cracked, walls groaned, and windows shattered under the pressure.

"...I will hunt you down, even if I have to face this entire country alone," Sasuke declared, his chilling words echoing in the room.

From that day forward, David Brennon would remember the weight of those words and the sheer force Sasuke possessed.

As agreed upon, the Federal Hunter Bureau accepted Sasuke's conditions for him to become a citizen of the United States. In recognition of his pivotal role in defeating the Dragon Kamish, Sasuke was granted various rewards by the government, including a substantial sum of fifty billion US dollars, tax-free status, and a luxurious mansion, among other privileges.


Two years ago, the world was shaken when portals appeared, connecting Earth with other worlds. Through these gates, monsters emerged and wreaked havoc in various parts of the world. In response, awakened humans became hunters and ventured into the gates to eliminate these creatures.

In the recent calamity of the first S-rank gate, the dungeon boss Kamish, a dragon, brought destruction and death. It took the lives of hundreds of S-rank and A-rank hunters, annihilating cities and endangering countless civilians.

Amidst the chaos, one hero rose above the rest—Sasuke Uchiha, an S-rank hunter whose name echoed throughout the Federal Bureau of Hunter's website.

A few days later, in Washington D.C., a memorial ceremony was held to honor the heroes and civilians who had perished in the S-rank gate disaster. The atmosphere was solemn as countless people gathered to pay their respects to the fallen.

Footsteps resonated through the silence, capturing the attention of the mourners. Dressed in a black suit, a teenager made his way to the memorial monument, carrying a white lily in his hand. Cameras clicked, capturing the moment that had been eagerly anticipated.

Sasuke gently placed the white lilies amidst the sea of flowers, paying his respects to the departed.

Thoughts swirled in his mind as he wondered if he had done his best. The new emotions he experienced, such as sadness for the strangers who had lost their lives, perplexed him. This world was different from the shinobi realm, where death and conflict were common. The loss of so many innocent lives affected him deeply.

With a sigh, Sasuke began to walk slowly among the mourners, their faces filled with grief.

In a tender voice, a middle-aged woman spoke as if consoling a child. "Please, lift your head, Mr. Hunter. Do not blame yourself for what happened. And thank you for putting an end to such a dreadful day."

"Thank you for defeating that monster and avenging my daughter, who perished in that tragedy," another voice added softly.

Sasuke halted his steps, acknowledging the woman's words with a slight nod.

"I am sorry for your loss," he replied, offering his condolences.

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