Sudden Guest

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With a drastic change in his physical constitution, Sasuke felt an insatiable hunger gnawing at him.

Clad in a sleek black bathrobe that accentuated his well-toned muscles, Sasuke descended the staircase.

Without wasting a moment, he settled at the dining table and eagerly began his long-overdue lunch.

Knock Knock

Interrupted by the sound of knocking on the door, Sasuke looked up, already knowing who it was even before the chief maid, Lina, entered.

"What's the matter, Lina?" Sasuke inquired, his focus shifting from his meal.

Lina opened the door and spoke, "Apologies for the intrusion, sir, but the Director of the Hunter Association has made an unexpected visit. Shall I allow him entry?"

Pausing his meal, Sasuke looked at her and replied, "Bring the guests in."

Nodding, Lina departed to attend to the guests.

Soon after, the Director of the Hunter Bureau, accompanied by his deputy and a woman of African-American descent, entered the dining room, joining Sasuke.

"We apologize for this sudden visit, Mr. Hunter. Our concern for Mrs. Selner's safety prompted us to prioritize this meeting," David Brennon explained, seeking Sasuke's understanding.

Sasuke set down his utensils and turned his attention to the director. "Alright, what is it? And who is this woman?" His gaze shifted towards the lone woman in the room.

"Nice to meet you, Mister Sasuke Uchiha. I am Norma Selner, a member of the bureau with a unique ability to enhance a hunter's potential," Norma introduced herself.

Slightly taken aback by the revelation, Sasuke inquired, "An upgrader?" He glanced back at the director.

"Mrs. Selner possesses a special ability that can push a hunter's abilities to their limits. However, her powers are limited, so we carefully select hunters who are deserving of this privilege," David explained, shedding light on Norma Selner's role.

Understanding the purpose of their visit, Sasuke asked, "So you want to use her power to enhance my abilities to the limit?" His right Sharingan eye glinted with a crimson hue.

Gulping nervously, David responded, "Indeed, although we cannot guarantee its effectiveness in your case, sir. Furthermore, I must inform you that the United States plans to assign a new rank to hunters who played a significant role in the Kamish Raid."

An influential nation like the United States could easily establish new national identities or declare wars. Thus, adding a new rank to the international hunter ranking system, which was recognized worldwide (except by China), posed no difficulty for them.

"We intend to bestow the title of national-level Hunters upon Mr. Sasuke, alongside Hunters Thomas, Liu, Christopher, and Sidharth," David continued, sharing additional related news.

"So, the States will recognize hunters as equivalent to a country?" Sasuke sought clarification on David's explanation.

"That's correct," David affirmed.

Despite knowing that Sasuke's strength surpassed that of the other four hunters, David Brennon still vividly remembered Sasuke's battle with the Dragon. It was evident that Sasuke was deliberately restraining his true abilities.

'They want to be cautious not to provoke the five strongest hunters by treating them as equal to a nation. Moreover, they aim to forge alliances with all five, albeit not directly tied to America,' Sasuke contemplated the underlying political scenario.

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