*Back and Debut*

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interview in italics

Hae took Lee know and Felix's elimination very hard, maybe the hardest out of the group. She had lost two people she cared about so much, she still had Hyunjin and Han but it wasn't the same. Without Felix or Lee know it didn't feel right, the group didn't feel whole but of course she had to keep practicing, had to keep smiling, the members needed it, they needed someone to be strong for them and she took that role. She always checked up on them ,stayed up with them when they couldn't sleep, made them food in the morning and at the end of the day, she had grown to love them in the short time they had been a group, establishing a special relationship with each one of them. 

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They were practicing a dance when the door opened. Hae's breath was shallow as she turned her attention to JYP, the man who took her best friends from her. She would never forgive him for that. She was glaring at him, not paying attention to the words coming out of his mouth. JYP motioned to the door and two people came in. She didn't realize who they were until JYP finished speaking and left. She shook her head still oblivious to the returned members, she turned to face the mirror and let a single tear drop, just seeing that man reminded her of the pain he caused Lee know and Felix, reminded her of the number of times she has held Lee know, comforting him.

"Hae...." She hears someone whisper from behind her, the voice is familiar. Hae spun around and saw Lee know's comforting face, his smile wide, showing all his teeth

"Minho!" she exclaims, throwing her self into his arms "what are you doing here?!"

"i'm back..." he tells  the smiley girl "Well we need to do a dance and see if we are better as 9 but still" he adds. Hae laughs, her laugh that only comes out when she's with him.

"You're not going to leave again, i won't let you" Hae assures. Lee know looks around and quickly kisses her cheek, making sure the cameras didn't see, she flashes her bright smile and goes to greet Felix. After a few more minutes of re uniting they start practicing again, a new sort of energy fueling her, re-filling every time her eyes catch Lee know's

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Hae Pov

"I have made my decision..." He starts. My posture goes rigid. I moves closer to Lee know, grabbing his hand and squeezing it. I can feel the cameras on us zooming in on our interlocked hand but i couldn't care less, in this moment all that matters to me is Lee know and Felix debuting with us "Stray kids will debut as 9" he announces. My shoulders drop and i feel Lee know move closer into me, wrapping me in his strong arms

"You did it!" i say, returning the hug

"We. We did it Hae. Together" He tells me. I feel a over whelming feeling of gratitude for him, we have only been together a month and i already feel like this, i wonder what i will feel in another month or maybe even a year but that doesn't matter right now because that's the future and right now in the present I get to live my dream

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"I am so proud of every single one of them. I know i've only known them for a short amount of time but i love them, all differently but equally . All of them mean so much to me and i can't wait to start this journey with them. I hope we're together a long time."

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Sunny |9th member of skzNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ