*What's in Hae's bag*

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"Hey everybody i'm Hae, a member of the k-pop group 'stray kids' and this is what's in my bag" She smiles, waving at the camera and holding up her bag

"Hey everybody i'm Hae, a member of the k-pop group 'stray kids' and this is what's in my bag" She smiles, waving at the camera and holding up her bag

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"so this is my bag, I think I.N got it for me for my birthday last year and i love it so much" She says, holding her bag out so the camera can see it "So in the first front pocket i have..." she starts "Gum, starburst because they're amazing and 2 hairbands" she tells the camera, pulling the items out of her bag "and in the next pocket i have tissues, hand sanitizer, lip balm, some antibiotics and oh a pen" she chuckles "i always write stuff on my hand so having a pen with me at all times  just seemed right and it's red so it's better" she scoffs , holding the pen "I don't trust people who don't like red pens"

"Now going into the main pocket, well the first you see my keychain" he says, holding the keychain up "it's a necklace a fan gave me a couple years ago that broke so Changbin fixed it for me, making it a keychain so i could have it at all times" she smiles "okay so first i have my wallet, so i can pay for things. Duh. Then i have a books because it's just good to have a book on you incase you get bored or if you feel like being all mysterious and aesthetic, next is my camera, Hyunjin got me a Polaroid camera but it's a bit big for my bag so i use this small digital one that Han got me, then a portable charger, some perfume, oh i love this one it smells like cherry blossom, anyway, then i have my headphones, i seriously can't go anywhere without these,  oh and this is a toiletry bag, in here i have deodorant, a small thing of dry shampoo, sun cream, some makeup, sanitary products and things like that and then i have my keys and my glasses, a lot of people don't know this but i have terrible eye sight so i wear contacts but sometimes they dry out and i have to wear my glasses, then finally i have a photocard of Lee know  because..... yeah. Anyway i'm Hae and this is everything in bag" she smiles, pointing to the pile of things on the table


@opal019- the photocard of Lee know!

@stay01- i love starburst as well


@olivia83- the way i had no clue she needed glasses.... 

@coco0101- The way she carries round a camera...i love her

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