*Moving in*

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Hae had woken up over two hours ago. She had to pack everything up since they were moving into the dorms today, so far she had packed her clothes, shoes, bags and some decorations, she still had a few things left to pack but she was mostly finished. A loud knock rung through the small room, Hae uncrossed her legs and got up off the floor, quickly moving to the door. She opened it and found Lee know standing there with a few bags

"ready to go?" he questions, moving to lean against the door frame

"almost!" She says while walking backwards into her room

"you're so slooowww" he exaggerates, slowly moving towards her room, throwing himself on the bed

"God, you're dramatic!" Hae laughs, placing the rest of her belongings in her light pink suitcase

"Wow, you're mean! I'm leaving " he exclaims, getting up off of the bed

"Oh sit down cat boy!" Hae laughs, pushing him back onto the bed. she sat back down and put the last of her shirts in her bag "okay i'm done!" She exclaims

"Finally! let's go!" he yells, grabbing her hand and pulling her out of the room.

☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚

"Dibs sharing with Hae!" Hyunjin yells as soon as we get into the dorm, she could hear Lee know's sigh

"I'm good with that!"  Hae shouts "Dibs on the biggest room!"  She screams while running into each of the rooms, throwing her suitcase on the bed when she found the biggest one. The room has two single beds with white bedding on them on opposite sides of the room, the wall had a cork board on it and one window in the middle. Hae started unpacking, pining photos of the members on the cork board, most of them being Lee know. It took the whole day for her to unpack, when she was finally finished it looked like this, with Hyunjin's bed in the other corner

 It took the whole day for her to unpack, when she was finally finished it looked like this, with Hyunjin's bed in the other corner

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Hae went into the living room and found I.N watching a K-drama on the TV

"Hey, what's this?" She asks, sitting beside him on the couch

"a drama.." he responds

"i know that but which one" she laughs, rolling her eyes

"ohh" he laughs "umm '20th century girl'" he tells her

"can i watch too?" she questions, picking up a blanket and wrapping her self in it

"yeah sure!" he exclaims. Hae rested her head on his shoulder and watched the film. After about an hour she was in tears, why was it so sad? however I.N was fine even laughing at some points but that all changed in the last 20 minutes, they both screamed when they found out what had happened, erupting into sobs that rung through the dorm

"why?! is this so sad!" Hae gasps out, covering her sticky face

"i don't know!" I.N cries back. He moves into her shoulder , they sit there and hug for ages until dinner was ready. They went up to the table and continued to cry, all of the members giving them weird looks

"Omg stop crying already! my head hurts!" Seungmin complains, slamming his hands on the wooden table

"YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND!" Hae cries out. All the members break out into laughter while Hae and I.N keep crying. Hae explains the plot to them but they just laugh harder

"you know what I.N is my only friend!" Hae exclaims, wrapping her arm around his neck. All the boys start yelling in protest but Hae just shakes her head "Actually i think it's time you move out Hyunjin" She says to Hyunjin, he gets up, slams his fists on the wooden table and screams. "I'm sorry! but i think it's time i move on!" She yells, slamming her hands on the table as well

"NO! NO!" he screeches as he falls to the floor. Hae runs to him

"HYUNJIN! STAY WITH ME!" she shouts as the rest of the group sit there laughing. Hyunjin opens his eyes abruptly

"come closer..."he whispers and Hae does "closer.." he adds. This continues until they're a few centimeters apart "see i would come closer but my boyfriend's in the room.." Hae jokes while turning to look at Lee know, a smile covering his face

"what about me..." Han shouts "I'm your husband!" he yells

"OH! and my dear Husband" she adds with a smile and a wink. She returns her gaze to Hyunjin "what did you need to tell me?" she whispers. He smirk and grabs her head putting her in a headlock

"HEHEHE!" He screams, laughing like a maniac


"okay!" Hyunjin responds, letting her head go. They both go back to their seats and eat as if nothing happened. They spend the rest of the night laughing and talking by the end of it they are exhausted. Hae says goodnight to the boys and goes into Hyunjin and her room. After a few minutes Lee know comes in to say good night

"night, sunny.." he whispers, walking over to her bed

"night, Minho..." she whispers back. He bends down and kisses her forehead. he stays there for a while but eventually leaves the room. Hyunjin came in soon after but Hae was already asleep, a big smile on her face.

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