*new cat*

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Hae and Lee know had been talking about getting a cat together for a while. They both loved cats so  it just made sense after their years dating that they would get a cat together. And since Hae would have a few weeks hiatus they thought it was the perfect time. So They were on their way to the rescue centre now

"I'm really excited" Lee know  exclaimed, swinging their hands that are intertwined between them

"Same" Hae smiled "have you thought of any names?" She asked, looking at Lee know with a bright smile

"Not really" he sighed "I think we'll know when we see it"

"Yeah" Hae nodded "I kinda like KiKi"

"That's cute" he said "soonie, doongie, Dori, Nabi and KiKi" Lee know's cats were soonie, doongie and Dori and Nabi was Hae's.

"That sounds cute" she exclaimed "but it all depends on the cat we get, we could get a boy"

"That's true but I think we should a girl"

"Same" she smiled "look we're here!" she skipped into the building, dragging lee know behind her "hello" she bowed, smiling at the reception lady

"are you here to look at our cats?"

"yes" Lee know nodded, holding Hae's hand tightly

"They're all right through there" she pointed to the door on the left "just come back here when you've found the one" Hae nodded and practically dragged Lee know into the room where the cats were

"oh my god!" Hae exclaimed "theyre all so cute!"

"they are" Lee know smiled "aw look at this one" He pointed to a white cat. He waited for a response but didn't get one "Sunny?" He turned to find Hae but didnt see her, instead she was sitting infront of one of the cages stroking a white cat that had bits of grey fur "Hae?" he walked over to Hae

"look at her" she continued stroking the cat while Lee know sat beside her

"how old is she?" he asked, scratching behind the cats eae

"look up there. It tells you about her" She pointed to a sign on the wall. It read 'This is Dottie. Dottie is a 9 year old Ragdoll cat that was found on the streets after being abadoned by her owners. Dottie finds trusting people hard so dont get disheartened if she doesnt let you touch her'

"well she doesn't mind you stroking her" Lee know chuckled

"i must have the touch" Hae smiled "Look at her eyes"

"they're so blue" He chuckled

"Minho, can we get her?" Hae asked, looking up at him

"yeah" He smiled "i'll go tell the lady" Lee know left and came back with the reception lady behind him

"Wow, dottie never usually lets people touch her. She must love you" The woman smiled, standing beside Hae

"shes lovely" Hae said, watching the cat with a warm smile

"i have the paperwork here" the lady told Hae "both of you just need to sign and she'll be yours"

"does she respond to the name Dottie? Or can we change it?" Lee know asked

"You can change it" she told Lee know "shes never liked Dottie"

They sign the paper and leave the shop with Hae holding dottie

"So is her name offically KiKi?" lee know asked, a smile on his face

"yep" she exclaimed "KiKi Cah-Lee" she smiled

"sounds good" he sighed "Suits her"

"it does" Hae smiled, hugging KiKi "She's so cute!"

"she is" he agreed "i think the others will like her"

"yeah" She nodded "Since she's older do you think she'll be like their mom?"

"maybe" he chuckled "Depends"


The two were now back at the dorm which was empty because the others were out shopping. They made KiKi a bed in their room and played with her for the rest of the day. Since Soonie, Doongie, Dori and Nabi didnt live in the dorm with them they couldnt introduce them yet but they would on the weekend.

 Since Soonie, Doongie, Dori and Nabi didnt live in the dorm with them they couldnt introduce them yet but they would on the weekend

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@skz- Everybody say hi to KiKi!!! Hae and i got her today at the shelter!! #Hae #Minho #cat

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@skz- Everybody say hi to KiKi!!! Hae and i got her today at the shelter!! #Hae #Minho #cat

User981- Now they have a cat together 😭 They're so cute!

User09- Aw KiKi's so cute!

User727- we misss u Hae!! Come back!!

User76- She's like their child 🥲

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