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Bold is interviewer, Italic is Hae

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Bold is interviewer, Italic is Hae

So first question Hae is How have you been feeling recently, seeing as you went through quite a rough patch?

I've been doing really well actually. I've learnt how to deal with my emotion better through therapy and well really just talking about my feelings more. Before i used to bottle them up and then eventually i would just burst. No matter how much this affected me or my members i couldn't stop doing it, like i really couldn't tell anyone how i was feeling. I always thought if i showed my weakness it would them weaker and i hate seeing my members upset. So instead of telling people how i felt and risking my members feeling upset, i kept it inside. But yeah i'm doing better now.

You always talk about how much you love your members, but some people still think you don't like them. What do you have to say to those people?

well your wrong (laughs) i love my members more than anything. They're my family, and they've saved me. I was lost before debut, i was doubting everything, I had been a trainee for so long but nothing was happening and then i saw Chan and he invited me to join the group. Everything changed. It all changed so quickly. All of a sudden we were on tv and the next thing i know we debuted, and now here we are. Honestly, everything is so unpredictable. But one thing that isn't is my members. They're always here for me, always. I feel safe with them because i know they want the best for me. They saved me. From what i'm not sure. My self? haters? insecurities? i don't know ,but i do know they saved me from something. I'm still here because of them, and that's something i'll never be able to repay. My members are everything to me, each one of them is in my heart and they will be forever. Even when we're not 'Stray kids' anymore, we'll still be a family.

Branching off of that question, in a recent live you spoke about the moment you fell in love with lee know, has that moment changed since then?

I'm not sure it could change. But i wasn't telling the complete truth. Honestly, i fell in love with Minho when i first saw him, but i couldn't really say that because stay will attack me for being cringy (laughs) but now i feel like i have to tell the truth (sighs and laughs) As soon as i saw him i knew he was the one for me. Minho is it for me. I honestly can't see myself with anyone else and i don't think i'll ever be able to. He's perfect for me, and i'm perfect for him. He makes me a better person and i think that's so important in a relationship. That you make each other better. Alot of people may not believe our relationship is real but i honestly don't care. They don't see everything, only what we post on social media. But then there's also people that put alot of pressure on us. The truth is no matter how much we love each other we're still a normal couple. We argue and disagree, like normal people.

You're also known for your kindness towards everyone really, how do you manage to always be kind?

Well obviously i'm not always kind but i guess most of the time i am. I just think about how i would like to be treated. Being rude doesn't get you any where, i think it's about time people learn that.

You're also insanely talented, how did you get to where you are today?

practice. That's all it is. No body is born talented. You're born with potential. Then you're job is to grow and fuel it, until you're great. That's what i did. I practiced everyday for hours and hours to be like this. To be able to sing and dance with out my voice shaking, to be able to dance for ages without getting tired. I've trained my body to get to this point. trained for years and years and now, this is my reward, the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow (laughs) and STAY is the gold!

Most say you're the perfect idol. You're talented, polite, kind, funny, bright, smart, so how do you feel about that?

It's crazy. I honestly can't wrap my head around the fact that people believe that. I'm honored obviously but it's...it's insane! (laughs) thank you so so so so much to everybody who believes that and i hope i keep making you guys proud. But to me i don't think i'm there yet, but that might just be me being hard on myself but...yeah. Maybe in a few years, once i've grown to be all i can be, the greatest i can, i'll believe it (laughs)

To finish off, what do you have to say to your fans?

thank you! (laughs) thank you so so so much for believing in me. You guys are the reason 'stray kids' have gotten this far in our careers. We owe everything to you guys. You all are so so so special to me and i love every one of you. I'll continue to work hard everyday to make you all proud of me. Love you all so much (smiles and blows a kiss)

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