*Moments with group*

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Hae had been up for a couple hours, she woke up early since she had dance practice and had been up since. The group had been living together for around 4 months now so they were all quite comfortable with each other. Seungmin stomped into the living room where Hae was sitting, scrolling on Instagram.

"Hey.." He yawns, slumping down onto the seat next to Hae.

"hi, how'd ya sleep?" Hae asks him, putting her phone down

"good, still tired though.." he groans, falling to the side

"want coffee?" She questions, pushing her self up from the sofa and moving towards the kitchen

"nah. i'll get over it" He sighs. Hae laughs and goes to make herself coffee "we should hang out!" He suggests

"omg yeah!" She yells, running out of the kitchen and towards the sofa "what are we going to do?"

"umm we could stay here and just hang" he says

"but what are we gonna do here?" Hae laughs, sitting next to him and crossing her legs

"umm, we could watch a film!" he shouts

"Yeah! just let me change" Hae says. She gets up and goes to her room. Hae pulls out a pair of brown, fluffy tracksuit bottoms and a white tank top. She pulls her hair back into a ponytail and walks back into the room.

"ready?" he asks

"yep! what we gonna watch?" She questions, moving next to him and leaning her head on his shoulder

"Happy feet.." he says. She starts laughing

"Happy feet?" she giggles

"Yep now shut up so we can listen!" He exclaims, Hae starts laughing at him but soon turns her attention to the group. Almost half way into the movie Seungmin falls asleep and so does Hae. By the end of the film they are both in a deep sleep, leaning on each other.


Han stormed into the kitchen where Hae was talking to Lee know

"Put the knife down, sunny!" He hears Lee know yell

"What if i said no!" Hae cackles. Han enters where they are standing and sees Hae standing over Lee know with a knife, laughing like a maniac

"Guys.. it's 9 in the morning" he sighs

"Oh, hi honey" she laughs "this. uh this is nothing" she stutters, placing the knife on the counter and kissing Lee knows forehead "want something to eat?"

"nah" he answers, moving to the fridge

"you alright?" Lee know asks

"mhm.." he yawns. Lee know and Hae share a look, they both know something is happening and when he gets like this the best thing to do is distract him

"hm my nails have been looking awful lately.." Hae sighs, holding them out infront of her and exaiming them

"really?!" he exclaims, jumping up, a new energy in his eyes

"i wish someone would paint them, maybe i could get I.N to do the-" Hae starts

"I CAN DO IT!" he yells, grabbing Hae's hand and pulling her to his room. Lee know flashes a smile at Hae as they pass. Hae sits on Han's bed and he gets some black nail polish from the drawer. He sits in front of her and grabs her hand, applying the nail polish neatly onto her nails.

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