*call *

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Today was the day Hae's dad decided to call her, how he got her number she had no clue and to be honest she didn't care. It was around 8 in the morning but Hae was still asleep. Her ring tone went off, she groaned but got up and reached for her phone

"hello.." she greets in a raspy voice, she clears her throat before speaking again "who is this?"

"it's dad..." the man replies. Hae's breath got caught in her throat and her hands started shaking so much she had to put her phone down

"w-what?" she stutters, sitting up in her bed

"it's your dad.." he tells her. Hae felt her heart drop almost instantly.

"Do you even know who i am?" she asks, I mean it could be a wrong number but strangely she knew it wasn't, she had a feeling deep down that he was her father, the man she hadn't seen since she was 1.

"you were born on the 27th of November, you had long dark hair when you were born and your first word was 'bunny' " he sighs. He really was her father.

"How do you know all of that?" she whispers in disbelief, her voice low and raspy

"i know because i'm your dad" he responds "i need to see you" he tells her

"oh um okay" She says, unable to think straight "where..?"

"we could meet at your place" he suggests. Somehow she felt better knowing the boys would be there.

"yeah okay" she says "i'll send you the address" She hangs up the phone and sends him her address. Of course she wouldn't send people she didn't know but he was her dad, even if they hadn't spoke for over a decade.  She jumped out of bed and went into the living room where her members where sitting

"hey" Seungmin greets, noticing her expression "you okay?" he asks, a look of concern on his face

"my dad just called me..." She sighs, looking at all of the boys

"oh my god.." Bang Chan responds. Chan knew how she felt about her dad, all of them did. They all got up to hug her

"what are you going to do?" Felix asks, holding onto her arm

"he's coming here.." she tells them, looking at the ground

"do you want us to be there with you" Changbin questions, she nods and they agree. She goes to get ready and soon there was a knock on the door. She slowly went up to the door and opened it, revealing a tall man with skinny limbs and dark hair

"soon-bok?" He asks with wide eyes

"dad..?" she whispers. He didn't look like how she imagined. She noticed the features of his that looked like hers. Her mom had always said she looked like her dad, she's never believed her but now she did "um come in" she instructs, he nods and walks into the living room where all the boys are sitting on the couch , a gap in the middle for Hae

"da- oh um " She starts but doesn't know how to finish, does she call him dad? he didn't feel like one "these are my members" she finishes, gesturing to the eight boys on the couch

" you can call me dad if you want" he tells her and she nods but they both know she won't be calling him that "so you're living with..." he stops to count "8 boys" he says

"yeah, I'm in a group and these are the other members" She tells him, sitting in between Hyunjin and Lee know. the group thought it would be better if she had her boyfriend and best friend beside her

"i know" he sighs, sitting in the chair opposite them "You know before i came here i did a lot of research on you" he chuckled "i even listened to some songs"

She exhaled, not wanting to meet his eyes "what did you think of them?" she asks, gripping onto Lee know's hand

"they were really good" he tells them and smiles "you remind me of your mother, you know" he tells her, leaning forward "you're like the spitting image of her, well except the red hair" he laughs

"Mom always used to say that I look like you, but thanks" she muttered "and um Lee know did my hair for me" she says, leaning over to him

"I'm proud of you, Soon-Bok" he smiles "I'm so proud of the woman you've become"

This annoyed her. He had no right to say that. He hadn't done anything for her . she took a deep breath and looked up at him "You have no right to be" she says "you have no right to be proud of me. You did nothing for me. Nothing. Mom raised me and so did Dan" she tells him "It doesn't matter that he isn't biologically my father because he was there for me when you weren't"

"Well they did an amazing job bringing you up" he says honestly "i'm sorry i wasn't there for you when you were growing up but i want to be here now, i want to be here for you" He tells the woman with dark red hair and 8 boys surrounding her

"i don't know" she sighs "you don't know anything about me and to be honest i don't know if i want you to" she says "I always thought i wanted you in my life but now....now i have them" she tells him, turning around to face her group "They're my family now. So i'm sorry but i don't think i want to get to know you"

"i understand.." he sighed, nodding lightly " I guess i'll leave" he says, clearing his throat

"yeah okay" she says, getting up to open the door

"Hug?" he questions, she nods and he wraps his arms around his daughter who he hasn't seen in 19 years. Hae had been waiting for this moment for nearly 2 decades so why didn't it feel like she thought it would, all she wanted was to be hugged by her dad for so many years

"I have a question" Hae said as they separated

"Go ahead"

"Did you get re married?" She asked. She'd always wanted to know this. Know if she had any siblings

Her dad sighed and nodded "Yes i did" he told her "I met her 15 years ago and we have 2 children, our oldest is 13"

"I've always wanted to know that" She said, looking up at him "Are you a good dad to them?" She couldn't deal with the thought that he would hurt them like he hurt her

"I hope i am" He sighed. The two stand in silence for a few seconds "I'm sorry i wasn't there for you, Soon-Bok"

"It's too late for you to be a dad for me" Hae told him "But it isn't for them. Just be there, that's all i ever wanted from you"

"I will" he said, nodding lightly "Again I'm so-"

She interrupted him "I don't need your apology. It won't change the past. But this was good, i've gotten answers i've waited years for, so thank you i guess. When you get home tell my siblings if they ever want to i would love to meet them"

"Okay" He nodded "I guess i'll go now"

"bye dad.." she said

"Bye.. Hae" He smiles when he uses her stage name and she does as well. Hae is who she is now "one more thing" he whispers, leaning closer to her "stay with them. No matter what you do make sure you do it with them and that boy, the one that was holding you hand, he's a keeper" he smiles and so does she. A real smile. She was planning on staying with those boys for as long as she can, especially staying with Lee know

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