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Hae was sitting in the living room, scrolling on her phone. She read the comments on her Instagram posts. The insults and the harsh words. The tears fell from her eyes as she attempted to wipe them but she wasn't fast enough. She knew she shouldn't be reading them but she couldn't stop herself. She found herself reading comments under a post of her and the members after a concert. All of them were smiling and posing. There were some nice comments however the majority were saying that she shouldn't be there, that she didn't deserve anything. After that she put her phone down. For some reason the comments saying she didn't deserve to be where she is hurt the most. She had worked most of her life for this, so how didn't she deserve it.

Hae sat by herself since all the members were at the gym. She sat in silence, letting the tears fall from her eyes. She wiped them quickly and turned the tv on. She switched channels a couple on times before she saw her face. She stopped and watched. It was the news again. Why can't they leave her alone?

She continued to watch as the show spoke about how much hate she was getting and that it was the worse they've seen for a while. She didn't understand why the news always spoke about her. So many other idols were receiving hate but they didn't talk about them. As she kept watching her began to cry again. This wasn't fair. She had never done anything to hurt anyone.

She switched the tv off and sat in silence, sobbing to herself. She sat there for a few minutes crying to herself, then her phone rang. It was her mom "hi, momma" she said, sniffing. She tried to make it soung like she wasn't crying

"Hi baby" her mom said. Hae could hear her smile through the phone "are you doing okay?"

Hae held back her tears and answered "mhm" she said "I just have a bit of a cold" she hasn't never lied to her mom like this, but she didn't want to worry her

Her mom chuckled "I thought you sounded weird" she said "how's Minho?" She asked

Hae exhaled "he's good" she answered "him and the  members are at the gym right now"

"Good" she answered "well I just called to see how you were"

Hae nodded and swallowed "I'm okay, mom" she said, breathing deeply "honestly, I'm doing great" she felt her throat tighten at the lie.

"That's amazing, baby" her mom said with a smile "I'll call you soon, okay?"

"Yeah" Hae said, trying to stop herself from crying

"Okay. I love you so much, baby. Keep doing what you're doing, we're all so proud of you" her mom spoke

Hae couldn't hold her tears back anymore "I love you so much, momma" she said, sniffing back her tears "tell rosey and Dan I love them aswell"

"I will" her mom nodded "bye honey"

"Bye, mom" Hae hung up and immediately burst into tears. Lying to her mom filled her with a pain like no other. She couldn't tell her mom what was going on, it would worry and upset her and she didn't want that.

Hae left the dorm. She put a beanie with a hoodie and a mask, hoping nobody would recognise her. She walked down the steps and left the building, noticing how the paparazzi started to follow her. She put her hand up in an attempt that they would think it wasn't her. Luckily it worked. The cameras turned back to the building and left Hae to escape.

She hasn't told the members where she was going. She had just left without anything. She didn't want them to stop doing what they were doing. Slowly she walked to the Han river. She always went there when she was sad. It made her feel in control. Hae stood there, watching the river flow by. Her tears had dried up and she felt empty.

She stood there for a few minutes before she heard footsteps running behind her "soon-bok!" She heard someone yell. She turned around and saw lee know running towards her "Soon-bok" he repeated

Hae stood still, watching him run towards her with a worried expression. When he reached her he immediately hugged her "are you okay?" he asked, looking over the edge and into the river "Soon-Bok, what were you thinking? What were you doing?"

Hae ignored his questions "how did you know I was here?" She asked

"Your mom called me" he told her "she called me and said that you sounded strange. So I went to the dorm and I couldn't find you" he explained quickly, stepping back and watching as she started to cry "I didn't know where you'd be, so I just looked everywhere I could. Why are you here?" He asked, his eyes filling with tears. He couldn't even begin to imagine what she was going to do.

Her eyes dropped to the floor and she started to cry uncontrollably "I'm sorry" she whispered

He shook his head and hugged her again, holding her tightly as she cried. They stayed there for a while, just hugging eachother. He had no clue what time say to her, he had no clue how to make her feel better. But the truth was that she felt better just by him being there. A few minutes earlier she was ready to do something that would've changed the lives of everyone that loved her forever , and now all she could do was cry.

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