"Run, Aslin," He towered over me, eyes bleeding into black unfeeling pits, "May the Mother have mercy on you when I catch you."

He began counting down and my body lurched into motion before I realized I was moving. I freed my lycan my tight hold on my beastly side cracking like my bones as I shifted into my taller form. Nails turned into claws and my jaw cracked as it lengthed slightly, allowing for the bigger, sharper teeth that filled my mouth.

I skidded across fallen leaves, wrapping my hand around a sapling and using it to propel myself forward. Somewhere in the distance my mate bellowed, signaling the start of his hunt. Heat curled low in my belly, twisting with the fear that came from knowing a predator was after you.

I pushed myself to go faster, succumbing to my beast. Taking a back seat to instinct I felt the burn of my thighs and the ache of my lungs, but I was no longer in control of where I roamed. Claw marks were left on every tree I passed, only making it easier for my male to find me.

Loud snarls sounded close behind me and I switched directions, narrowly avoiding the beast that was hunting me down. With only seconds to spare I hauled myself up a maple tree, the low hanging branches making it easy for me to climb at least ten feet off of the forest floor. Seconds later silver eyes were glaring up at me, the mixture of annoyance and amusement reminding me of the last time I had run from him.

"Aslin," Azrael growled warningly, "Get down here and let me have my prize."

"Your prize?" I repeated, my words lisping together through my too large teeth, "You haven't caught me yet, mate. I won't give in as easily as I did last time."

"Aslin," My male growled, shifting back into his lycan, "Get down here."

His tone was made to be obeyed. Every bit of his body emanated power and dominance. My body ached with need and by the way his nose twitched he could smell my drooling sex. I wanted to obey him, the more primal part of me wanted to bend to his will and please him any way I could.

But not yet, "You haven't won yet, Azrael. You still need to catch me."

He opened his mouth to reply but I was gone before any sound came out. I launched myself from tree to tree, my claws digging into the strong branches to keep me from falling. I could hear him below me, our lycans taking over as we played our little game of cat and mouse.

My foot slipped against some of the leaves that had caught on the branch. A short scream ripped from my lips, but I righted myself quickly. My scream had brought my mate close to the edge of insanity though. Which was demonstrated by the enraged roar that echoed through the forest, sending flocks of birds into the sky.

A clawed hand wrapped around my ankle and I was pulled off of the tree into a firm chest. Sweat coated my body, quickly wicked off by the freezing night air. Azrael was clinging to the tree trunk, his muscular thighs wrapped around the trunk, one hand reaching up and holding onto the branch he had pulled me off of. His free hand cradled me against his body.

"Hi," I squeaked, shifting back so it was easier to converse with him, "You caught me."

The only response I got was a low growl before he began slowly lowering us to the ground. Black eyes met mine, and every movement against the hard muscles of his stomach sent shockwaves of pleasure dancing through my body. He landed on the ground with a thud and took off at a jog up the mountain side.

"Where are we going?" I asked, twisting my head to look around.

"Silence," Azrael growled harshly, drawing my eyes back to the deep scowl on his face.

I obeyed him without thinking, pressing myself firmly against his chest. Hands drifted from my lower back to my ass. Long, thick fingers digging into the ample flesh of my backside. His hands are large enough to cover my entire backside and then some. The warmth radiating from his skin burns like a brand, reminding me of who I belong to.

Abandoned By My MateWhere stories live. Discover now