The woman gazed at the King with despairing eyes but quickly got hold of herself.

- I don't know what you're talking about, your Majesty, she mumbled.

Jin looked at her with merciless eyes.

- You've just lost your last chance to stay alive.

Turning towards the closest servant, he ordered her to lead him to Lady Jeong's room. It didn't take him long to find the hidden room, behind the screens.
Yi-seo was sitting there, with her hands and feet tied. As soon as he set her free, she threw herself against him and hold him tight.

- I'm so glad you're safe, she said. Each time the doors opened, I feared Lady Jeong would tell me that you were dead.
- I'm fine. I'm sorry it took me so long to come and rescue you. Are you all right ?
- Yes.
She lifted her head and looked into his eyes.
- Everything's all right now that you're here with me, she said with a smile.

When they stepped out of the house, the Left State Councilor stayed impassive but distress crept on his wife's face. The king stepped forward and stood in front of them.

- Kim Dong-joo! He said. I think you've got something that belongs to Lady Jeong. Give it back to her. You wouldn't want to deprive her of such a precious item, would you ?

The bodyguard obeyed and handed the packed book to Lady Jeong who took it with trembling hands.

- Ain't you curious to know how I got this ? Or why I'm still alive ?

She stared at him without answering.

- The Queen sacrificed her life to save me. And she saved Bang Yi-seo's life by telling me about the secret room. I'll never be able to make it up to her. But there's something I can do. Stop you from ever using innocent people again and sent them to die like animals to the slaughterhouse. Now, I want you to rip this book cover and eat it.

Lady Jeong's eyes widened with fear while she went on her knees.

- Your Majesty, please, have mercy ...
- Do it now !

She unwrapped the book then stared at it, unable to move. Dong-joo unsheathed his sword and put the blade against her neck. She looked at her husband but he stayed still and mute, staring at the King defiantly. Slowly, she ripped a large piece of the book's cover and put it in her mouth. Quickly, she felt like a thousand burning stings were piercing her throat while her tongue swelled. As she was suffocating, her hands tightened on her skirt and blood spurted from her nose. She fell on the ground, her body shaken by convulsions and then she froze, her motionless eyes filled with fear and pain. Yi-seo looked away but Jin stared at the inert body without a hint of sympathy. Then he turned to Lord Park.

- Don't expect me to eat poison, the old man said.
- You won't have to, the King answered. And you don't deserve to die by my hand either.

He nodded at Dong-joo. The bodyguard stepped forward and slashed Lord Park's throat.
While his body was sinking to the ground, Jin turned away, took Yi-seo's hand and left the house.

- I should take you home but now that your father knows about us, he won't let you get out at night to meet me again. Let's go to the pavilion for a little while. I just can't let you go now.

Yi-seo nodded her approval and followed the King. On the way, they told each other everything that had happened after they last parted. When they reached the pavilion, the night had come and the sky was clear and sprinkled with stars.

- Your father is probably mad at me and has every right to be, Jin said. But don't worry, I'll set everything straight.
- What do you mean?
- Once my mourning time is over, I'll marry you, if you want it too.
- Is it possible ?
After all this time and all they'd gone through, the young woman couldn't believe it.
- Yes. We were always meant to be together and finally, we can walk on the same road.
- What will the ministers say ? Yi-seo asked.

She was so afraid that, once again, something would get in their way and take their happiness away from them.

- I just don't care. And you can believe me when I say that nothing and no one will stop me from living the rest of my life by your side. From this moment on, I'm yours, completely.
Yi-seo smiled.
- I believe you. I love you so much, she said.
- I love you too, Jin answered.
Then he took her in his arms and kissed her under a veil of bright shining stars.

Then he took her in his arms and kissed her under a veil of bright shining stars

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