Chapitre 11

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Unaware of what had happened to Yi-seo, Jin went back to the palace and canceled all his audiences. Dong-joo had already prepared everything for their journey and the royal guards who'd come with them were waiting by the gates. Before he left for Wonju where his brother was living, the King met with Seok-jo who'd kept watch at the Park residence all night.

The young man told him that he had witnessed several people coming and going after sunset, servants mostly but also henchmen. And after midnight, Lord Park had come back with two of his men, all dusty and looking exhausted, as if they'd ridden a long way. From what he'd learnt, the Left State Councilor had been away for several days. Nothing else happened before he left at dawn to make his report. While he was listening, the King felt utterly powerless and upset. What was the cunning old man up to ? He seemed to be several steps ahead but there wasn't much Jin could do for the moment. So he sent Seok-jo back to the Park residence with some men and ordered him to tail Lord Park and his wife if they left their home. As he left the palace, riding all day long to Gangwon Province seemed the perfect way to soothe his anger and frustration.

While Seok-Jo was at the palace, the Park residence awoke. Amid the buzzing activity of the servants, two men entered in the court yard, pulling a handcart full with bales of straw. Lord Park stepped out of his room and frowned when he recognized his men.

- What are you doing here ? And why are you dressed like servants ?
- We didn't want to draw attention, my Lord, one of the men said.
He then turned toward Lady Jeon who had joined them :
- We got her, my Lady.
- I borrowed your men for a special errand, Lady Jeon said to her husband. I think you'll like what they brought back.

She nodded and the men took some of the bales off to reveal an unconscious woman, lying in the handcart.

- Did someone see you ? She asked.
- No, my Lady. We thought we may have to abduct her from her home but we didn't have to. She left her house in the evening and met with the King outside the city. We took her when she was heading home at dawn.
- You mean that she spent all the night with the King ?
- Yes, my Lady.

Lady Jeon smiled :
- So, I guessed right ... Take her to my husband's study.

Lord Park watched the men taking Yi-seo away then turned to his wife :
- What is this all about ?
- While you were away, I got an information from a court lady. She was with the queen two days ago when she went for a walk in the palace gardens at night and they saw the King and Bang Yi-seo leaving the same spot a few minutes apart. Bang Yi-seo even spoke to your niece but unfortunately, the court lady couldn't hear what they said. The queen didn't seem upset or surprised by the situation so she probably already knew they were lovers. Nevertheless, I thought that we could use Bang Yi-seo to get to the King and I asked your men to follow her and bring her here when they'd have a chance.
- I need to talk to her, Lord Park said. Wait until I call you.

Lady Jeon felt satisfied with the way her husband and her had regained control of the situation after failing to kill the King. Who would have guessed that their sworn enemy's daughter was the King's weak spot ?  She didn't doubt that her husband would break her in no time. He knew how to get what he wanted from people and Yi-seo was no match for him. But she was wrong. When she entered Lord Park's study, she noticed that although he seemed composed, his hands joints were white with contained anger. Yi-Seo looked at her with a defiant stare.

The young woman was afraid of what they would do to her but her hatred was stronger than her fear. Looking at them being so arrogant and remorseless made her blood boil. They were responsible for her mother's death and were trying to kill the man she loved. No matter what, they would never get anything from her.

- I hope you're ready to take responsibility for this because my father won't let this slide, Yi-seo said defiantly.
- Your father ... or the King ? Lady Jeon asked.
- Well, I don't think the King will forgive you for abducting one of his ministers' daughter. But if you let me go this instant, I'll promise to ask my father to be merciful and not tell the King. I'll accept your sincere apologies and pretend nothing happened.
- You know we can't do this.
- She's as stubborn as her father, Lord Park said. She didn't answer any of my questions. I must admit that I'm impressed, I didn't expect such determination from a woman so young. But it doesn't matter. Keep her in the secret room until we can find a use for her.

Lady Park ordered her servants to take Yi-seo away then sat in front of her husband.

- So, how was your visit to Prince Seong ? She asked.

Lord Park's lips twisted into a sneer.

- This stupid coward wouldn't listen to anything I said. He's a prince of Joseon but living a boring miserable provincial life seems to be his sole ambition. Having him by my side would have helped me get the support of more officials, but that doesn't change my plans. We just need to hurry to make our next move. Prince Seong will probably sent a messenger to his brother to warn him so I've left some men in ambush to make sure he'll never reach the palace. But that'll only give us an advance of one or two days at the best. When the messenger won't return, Prince Seong will send another one or come to Hanyang himself. By the time this happen, the King must be dead.
- Let me take care of this, his wife said. There's no reason why my plan should fail, but even if it does, we still have Bang Yi-seo.

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The queen looked at the package wrapped in an embroidered piece of silk that Lady Jeon had put down on the table in front of her.

- You didn't need to bring me a present, she said, wondering what her aunt wanted from her in return.
- It's not for you, it's for the King, Lady Jeon answered. I heard he likes to read at night when he can't sleep. These are Bai Juyi's poems, I'm sure he'll like them. Why don't you give this book to him tonight ? It's a precious gift, there's only two copies in Joseon.

The queen reached out to unwrap the book.

- Don't touch it, Lady Jeon said.
- Is it poisoned ? The queen asked.
- Only the cover. Deok-geum replaced it with a paper she made herself. Although it looks smooth, it contains a specific caterpillar's hair that'll make the poison get into your nervous system so fast that just brushing the cover will kill you in a few minutes.
- So, if I give this to the King, he'll die on the spot and I'll be arrested and executed.
- Well, sometimes, ambitious goals require sacrifices.
- I'm sure you'll miss me less than your dear Deok-geum, ... if you miss me at all.

Lady Jeon stared at her niece with a hard look.

- Park Jin-myeong ... When we welcomed you in our house, we treated you as our daughter and we thought you'd understand how lucky you were. I mean, without us, you'd have ended in a kisaeng house. And we didn't expected much from you. All you had to do was marry the Prince and bear his heir. A boy who would have been from the Park family. But you were unable to do this simple thing. So don't you dare compare yourself to Deok-geum who never failed me until her last breath. You should be grateful to be given a last chance to serve your family well.

The Queen bit her lips. For as far as she could remember, Lady Jeon never had a nice word for her and even now, she still valued a dead servant more than her own niece.

- I'm sorry, she said. I didn't want to disappoint you or my uncle, I'm really grateful for everything you did for me. I'll make it up to you, even with my life.
- Perfect. Then give this book to the King tonight.
- Why such a haste ?
- That's your uncle's orders. So don't ask questions, just do as you're told.
- I have a right to know why I'll have to die a shameful death.

Lady Jeon let out a bothered sigh :
- Right. We have little time before your uncle's plans are unveiled by Prince Seong, who refused to stand by his side. So the King must die tonight. Then, Prince Seong will have to become the next King, whether he wants it or not.
- And he'll become Lord Park's puppet.
- He's not fit for the throne anyway. Lord Park will be the true ruler of this country, for the greater good. Be assured you won't die in vain.
" I won't" the Queen thought. Her mind was made up and she felt both sad and relieved.

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