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"It's fine Y/N."
"Thats not fine Momo. I was just frozed there like a dumb. I should have approached him. Now what if I don't find him again.." She sighed while Momo made a done expression through the video call.
"You do realise you're dumb, right? He's literally in the same city with you dumbass! People better call u dumbass than smart ass 🙄"
"Oh yeah, You're right! Aishh! How do I find him now?"
"Let's just wait and leave it to destiny."
"Alright then. But when are you coming back, your majesty?"
Momo laughed replying, "Soon, my dear".

It was 11:30 am. It was her off day as the project was successful so yeah. She came out of the shower after taking a bath and found her phone ringing. It was Namjoon.

"Y/N, I need you to do something. Its your off day, right? Could you please help this brother out?"
"Would you first tell me what's the matter?"
"Well you see, today is a exhibition at the museum about the 1800s and today's the last day. I can't go as I need to check exam papers and do the grade point for the final year's students. I also need to write an article on the topic of 1800s heritage. Can you please go there? And take pictures of the paintings and other stuffs? Please? Its really urgent. I'll give you anything you want."
" anything?" *mischievous smirk*
" Yes.." *rethinking life decisions*
" Then let me rob some of your  clothes and  some books."
"Aishh okay okay. It's on 4 pm. Don't be late. Thanks in advance, Ms. Park."
"yeah yeah"

She got ready and reached her destination on 4 o'clock. She got a call from Namjoon,
"Yeah Im here. Okay, bye oppa"

She straightly went inside with her camera. There it was, all the remarkable paintings. She was taking the pictures until her eyes caught something more like a specific painting, where her and Taehyung's hands were about to hold each other. It was painted by 'THK's magical talented hands.

"Mon Amour..." she whispered shakily..

Everything kept flashing in her mind as she stared at the painting deeply until a voice broke her thoughts,
"Beautiful, isn't it? My Lady.."

It took her a moment to process that same old familiar honey voice. He stood there, a few metres away from her. His smile reflected through his mask. His black curls, Enchanting eyes.. Everything seemed more beautiful and Enchanting..

She couldn't utter a word even if she wanted to. He held out his right hand towards her,
"May we go outside?"

They intertwined their hands,
"Y-you are really here? I ain't dreaming, am I?"
"Well, I'm actually here and it was too easy to bring you here."
They walked on the street holding hands, shoulders brushing, spreading the warmth.


"ofc! Not only him but also everyone. Even Jungkookie realised that you remembered everything. C'mon we studied together from middle school."

Taehyung giggled seeing her reaction.
"How come I never saw you then Taehyung?"
"Well we usually never sat together at the cafeteria that much but we did meet before, you might have forgot. It was before you went abroad for higher education. And now you're a successful architect."

"What the- Like seriously.. I'm this much dumb?"
They stood under a tree at the park, removing their masks. Out of nowhere, she hugged him tightly, crying on his shoulder.

"I.. I am sorry Taehyung.. Please don't leave me. I love you, stay with me.. You will, right?"

He caressed her head replying in a soft voice,
"Of course I will.. I found you after years, I'm not leaving you or letting you leave this time. Saranghamnida Park Y/n..''

"Nado Saranghae Taehyung Kim."

And they kissed.. Tears of joy making their way down the cheek, lovely light breeze hitting the trees causing the autumn  leaves to fall as the sun was on its way to set. Two souls finally got together after going through loneliness, regrets and sadness. They found their missing pieces to solve the life puzzle. He found her before she could think she lost him. Both knew very well how much the one loved the another.

And they sealed their love along with the unity with their best friends.
This bond is never ending..
It's forever..


Author Momo: Thank you for reading this story. It was my first story so pardon my mistakes. Hopefully my next book is going to be better. Thank you if you voted. ILY, take care <33

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