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"Y/N.. I think you're reincarnated"

"You think so?"

"Yeah. The dreams you're seeing might be the memories from your past life that you're remembering now"

"I don't know, I'm not quite sure though. I'm confused."

"Let's just wait then till you get to remember the whole thing. But I'm damn sure about this. Good night, sleep well hmm? And yeah, about the Queen. Try to see her clearly next time. Bye bish!"

"Uhh okay, bye!"

She ended the call, putting the phone on the nightstand, exhaling a big sigh. Momo went back to Japan 5 months, after graduating from University. She will come back maybe after some years? She had to go because of some family issues regarding business.
Y/N decided not to tell the others yet, especially Jimin. He'll worry for her along with others. She doesn't want anyone to get extra worried for her in this small issue. Lots of thoughts surrounding her mind..

'Is Momo really right? Were those actually memories instead of dreams? Why did I feel an unknown feeling when I saw that painting from 19th century? By any chance is it related to my past life too? And why the heck did Momo tell me to look at the Queen clearly? Did I really reborn...?'

She took a deep breath, clearing her mind and deciding to sleep. Tomorrow is Sunday, means no work. She can sleep at least 10-12 hours without any disturbance. After drinking a some water from her panda designed water bottle, she drifted to her dreamland..

But little did she know..
The night isn't going to end that early.

She'll find the lost pieces of puzzle..
The promise she made centuries ago..
Finally she'll go back to the beginning through the Enchanting memories..
Starting from the very start when she tasted the euphoric feeling to the end where none could hold on even if they wanted..

"They'll be always together.. Forever.."

ENCHANTED [Kim Taehyung] Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя