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Back to Hundreds of years ago.. 19th century ( 1800s)..

A teenage girl was practicing fencing with her sword by the sea shore, dark clouds hugging the sky and hiding the sun securely.

She turned around hearing a male voice from behind, instantly bowing to the person after recognising him.
She respectfully said bowing to the King, well more like The King's father,
           "Your majesty..."
   "How old are you dear?"
   "19,your majesty."
"I'm really impressed. You have a great talent, why not make it work?"
"Well umm"
She awkwardly scratched her nape while the man in his mid 60s smiled,
"Apply for the official training of the Royals. We'll be glad to get you as a soldier of our Kingdom."
She smiled widely saying,
"Your wish is my command, your majesty. I always dreamt of being a soldier from childhood but couldn't find the courage as I'm a female.."
" I saw passion in your eyes dear. Hope to see you as a part of the royals soon, young lady."
He spoke, giving a light caress in her head before leaving and flashing a light smile . She took a moment to process his unexpected action.
In no time she started running towards her house screaming,

Her family was only his father,who loved her and supported her to the beyond.
She took training until she turned 21 and joined as a soldier, who eventually got her position in higher rank cuz of her brilliant skills which played a huge role in winning battles. Well, The Royal family loved and trusted her. Who wouldn't love her? She was loveable and sweet.

The 23 years old lady in her Emerald Uniform with lots of badges on the right of the shoulder indicating the higher rank soldier position, waited for the Queen while fixing her bun under the cap. She had a bad feeling but decided to push it off.
Soon the Queen came as she fixed her posture and bowed respectfully.
"Yes, your majesty."
She was given the name 'Melantha'  by the Royals which turned out to be her identity to the outward. She was the first one, who worked for them as a soldier, to get a name which was also good for her family and friends. They weren't in case of danger because of spies as her real name was hidden except from her close people.

"You know one of the King's personal bodyguard who applied and got accepted at the same time as you, Park Jimin?"
"Yes, your majesty. He's my best friend."
She was curious but couldn't ask any questions which would be unprofessional.
"Well Y/N, I suggest you to go to his house right now not wasting even a second. It's my command."
"A-alright, you're majesty"

She hurriedly left after bowing to Queen. A sudden panic rushed through her spine when she heard the Queen calling her by the real name.
'I believe you're strong Melantha."
The Queen whispered as she saw Y/N taking her horse and leaving the Palace with an worried expression.
When she reached his house she saw multiple guards and loud crying noises coming from the house. She stepped in and went towards the main door where the General, Kim Namjoon was standing. Her panic increasing by every seconds. Namjoon patter her shoulder with a sad small smile. He was also like a brother figure to Y/N who treated her like his own sister.
"Go inside Y/N."
She felt a lump in her throat and hands sweating as she went inside taking off her cap, only to get crushed in a tight hug by Jimin's mother.
"Y/N! You're here.. My s-son.. He's go-ne Y/N. This mother's chest is empty.. My Jimin is gone.."
She spoke crying and sobbing hard and fainted in her arms. Some ladies came and took the unconscious old lady to another room and that's when she noticed him..
Wrapped in a white long clothes, eyes closed, body still on the ground with a calm expression as if he's sleeping peacefully not worrying about the surroundings. Hair strands falling over his forehead, a tiny smile plastered on his lips, he looked angelic. The only difference was, he wasn't moving nor breathing anymore.
With shaky steps she went close to the body kneeling and touching his cheek, which was cold. The sweet smell of Jasmine lingering through her nostrils as she processed the whole thing.. Tears soon came out of her eyes, rolling down and the heart aching badly giving her pain inside.
"J-jimin? H-hey buddy?"
No response.
"I'll respect you from now on and call you o-oppa too. G-get up.."
No response.
"W-why aren't you getting up? I'll eat all your mochis if you don't get up"
Still no response. Her tears pouring out more as she aggresively shook the cold body,
She shouted, completely loosing her sense. Namjoon hurriedly came out hugged her, backing her away from Jimin's body to stop her shaking the body vigorously. She cried hard in Namjoon's embrace while he caressed her back, feeling his own tears rolling down thinking about the friendship him and Jimin had.
She managed to speak sobbing hard which came out  incoherent but audible to Namjoon.
"O-oppa h-he,, J-jimin.. H-ow-w..?"
"He sacrificed himself to save the King's Father."

           "NO!! JIMIN!!"
She screamed waking up from her dream and running to open the bedroom door rushing towards Jimin's room, not caring about putting on her slippers. Her legs shivered at the coldness of the hard floor.An awake Jungkook called her from behind in the hall but she was too into her own thoughts to hear him,
" Noona? What happened?"
Her scream practically woke everyone up. She ran towards Jimin after opening his door which was unlocked, crushing him in the tight hug loudly crying taking Jimin off guard who just stood from his bed to check on Y/N after hearing her shout, along with the others who were standing at the door. None of them ever witnessed her crying loudly. She continued to sob hugging him tightly not wanting to let him go.
"D-dont l-leave m-me pleas-e. Please o-oppa.."
"I'm completely fine Y/N. I'm not leaving my lil sis behind."
He caressed her back as she kept crying , he guessed she might have had a bad dream. Her painful loud cries echoing through the room, making everyone emotional. Jimin was crying by now, he can't bear to see his family and best friends crying.

"I think she had a nightmare", Yoongi remarked looking at the duo worriedly while the others agreed before going to them and hugging the duo, technically a group hug to sooth the crying duo.
She almost had a panic attack but they calmed her down beforehand. All of them sat, some on bed and some on the ground while Jin caressed Y/N's back and hoseok held her hand to stop her from shaking and saying,
"Don't worry Y/N, you got this."
After taking some deep breaths, she was fine. Jungkook handed her a glass of water which she gladly took and  gulped in one go.

"W-well.. I.."
"Its alright Y/N. You don't have to talk about it now, you can tell us later. Don't think about it too much, hmm? There's nothing to rush. You should sleep now. Everything is fine."
Namjoon said caressing her head as everyone stood up.
"I'm sorry everyone and also Jimin. I shouldn't have-"
Not letting her continue Yoongi spoke with his calm tone,
"it's fine y/n. We're a family, we have each other for support. We understand you."
"yeah, hyung is right", Jimin softly said.
Hanging her head low she spoke, tone slightly down, " I can't loose any of yall. All of you mean a lot to me.."
Everyone awed having a group hug again.
Hobi fake cried saying, "I'm getting emotional aah"
With Jinkook in the background,
"Yahh! You're not loosing us."
"Yeahh, we're best friends for life!"
The rest of the night was gladly peaceful for everyone, they slept soundly.

"Slowly and Steadily..
           It will come out in light..

ENCHANTED [Kim Taehyung] Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora