Chapter 19//The Real Truth

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Rose had successfully convinced Jayce that she was just going on a walk, and not to tell their mom, so now the girl is trudging carefully down the sidewalk to the park, ready to conjure a dagger if needed.

Was this a good idea? Probably not. But did Rose want answers? Yup. Which meant she was following the instructions of the sketchy text she had gotten.

The blonde trudges through the park, the hair on the back of her neck standing on end from how eerily silent it was. Rose has never experienced silence like this, considering she lives in New York. And, while silence can be nice, this wasn't. It sounded like the whole city was dead.

"I knew you'd come." The man had a knife at his throat before he even finished his sentence.
"You're family has a weakness of always needing answers."

Rose scowls, glaring up at him with a glint in her eye.
"We also always come prepared."

Jayce and Ben drop from the trees, landing on either side of the man, brandishing weapons of their own.
Jayce managed to get a ducking gun for goodness sakes.

"Amusing that you believe you're prepared," the man chuckles, folding his hands behind his back.
"No matter. I simply called you here to give you answers."
He turns to Jayce.
"That weapon shows just how much your mother has told you."

"That you're a douche?" The brunette smirks. "Didn't need any help figuring that out."

"I'm saying that she told you nothing. If she had, you wouldn't be here holding a useless firearm. You probably wouldn't be here at all."
The man looks back to Rose.
"Of course, she wouldn't have to tell you anything, if she had just listened to her damn father."

"Mr. Wilson is cool, what are you talking about?" Ben scoffs, hands aimed and ready to wrap up the dude in web.

"I meant her real father."
The twins exchange glances.
"Children, allow me to tell you a story..."
Black smoke rises from his arms, creating figures in front of him. Two men, one looking much older than the other.
"A long time ago, long before your heroes' even existed, seven of the nine realms were at war. They had chosen their sides, and though most followed the brash king of Asgard, the rest stood behind the mighty Surtyr."

The smoke changed to the older man victoriously holding a skull above his head.

"In the end, the Asgardian took down the giant, him and his followers believing they had won this war, Surtyr being defeated, and even banishing his eldest son to Hell.

"This son had done nothing, being wrongfully jailed because of his blood. Forced to live out in the pits of the realm of death. He wouldn't forget the King of Asgard for what he had done, especially so when the man banished his own daughter for her simple mistakes."

The smoke changed again, a young man and woman holding hands, peering into an old bassinet as echoey babbling rose from it.

"They survived with their curse, the two eldests of each other's enemies, creating life even in the midst of death. They named this child, Victory, as she was the result of two kingdoms creating peace in the war that was thought to end it all. The son of Surtyr broke free one century, taking his daughter with him and promising his love a life full of prosperity."

The young man is now holding a little girl, the old man from before glaring at him.

"As revenge for the death of his father, the banished prince took the child of the Asgardian, hurting him, but leaving the girl unharmed as he raised her."

The young man stood solemnly beside his wife, the bassinet empty and quiet.

"But he was still cursed, and misfortune fell upon him again, his daughter stolen away from him. Searching for years, tearing up the world to find her, the son of Surtyr had succeeded, but his princess was defiled by humanity. She did not love him."
The man looked between the armed kids around him, his eyes sad, but no other traces of emotion besides that.
"Which was worse, than her being gone."

Jayce lets out a scoff.
"How is a bedtime story gonna give us answers. That was so cryptic."

"I am the son of Surtyr," the man states.
"And though your mother chooses to deny it, despite the proof, she is Victory."

"You're our grandpa??" Rose squawks, her blade falling for a moment.
"Uh, I think our mom would've told us if you were. Like, we know we're Asgardians. The whole demigod biz."

"You are not just Asgardian. You are also Muspelen. Fire giants."
The man glows a bright orange, growing in size as his eyes burn like embers.
"This is your lineage. And I can help you unlock what your mother has so foolishly stored away."

He holds out his hand as he returns to his original appearance.

"I think we'll pass, oh mighty smoke dude," Rose chuckles, stepping closer to keep her blade at his neck.

"Your loss," he sighs.
"Well, I tried the civil way."
Before the others can take action, the man grabs Rose's wrist, engulfing them both in smoke and wisping away.

"Oh no, oh fuck dumplings we messed up," Jayce winces, turning to Ben.

"We should probably get help."


. . .



So, yes I did make up an entire story like I knew history or some shit. This is all fake lmao
It was pretty good though, if I do say so myself *thwips hair like a god ;)*

Headcanon update:
Jayce loves guns, because shooting things is amusing to her. She shot Wade once. He was so proud.

Larb u 3,000 <333

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