Chapter 8//Captain Fishbowl

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Victoria almost trips as she backs away from the green mist coming towards her from the edge of the building.
Another arrow flies towards her, finding its mark on her shoulder, which is when she actually does fall down.
Gritting her teeth, she moves to pull it out, only for her hand to brush aimlessly through it.
A hologram.

"Looks like you figured it out!"
A voice shouts from the fog, and Vic watches as some guy floats forward, a broken fishbowl on his head.
"Amazing isn't it."

"What are you? A fish going to space?"

"Still managing to make jokes in a time like this," he chuckles, stepping down onto the rooftop and looking down at Vicky.
"You've got grit. Let's just hope you have enough~"

"The fuck does that mean-" the woman shields her face as Captain Fishbowl sends the green clouds racing at her, engulfing her until she's surrounded by a void of nothing.
She stands up and continues to back away, yelping as the ground disappears from underfoot and she starts falling.

Good thing she's not a human :D

She turns into smoke, floating in what she could only imagine as the sky, except that she was still in the void.

She spins around, blinking and rubbing her eyes when she finds herself in a house of mirrors.
"Ready to give up?"

"In your dreams," Vic scoffs, surprising herself at how audible her nervousness was in her voice.
It wasn't just her life on the line this time. She couldn't screw up. Her next words are much more composed.
"I'll beat your ass."

The mirrors start to crack, leaving distorted images all around her, but it only fuels her motherly anger.
Fire dances up her arms, practically dripping from her fingertips.

Mysterio's cackling echoes from every direction as the woman takes up her fire giant form, leaving her skin red hot and her black hair fading into literal fire.
"No point in fighting back, princess. Those stupid Avengers can't help you now."
She can hear the smirk plastered on his face.
"Or ever, for that matter."

The mirrors disappear in an instant, leaving her in the warehouse, ruins from the battle with Goose all around her.
The Avengers are dead.
Victoria's form withers away, leaving her as her regular, short, blonde self.
They were all gone. She knew she should've done this by herself.

"You failed, Victory... how ironic," Captain Fishbowl cackles again, then everything goes black.

. . .


Kinda short, this is my first apology.
Second, yes I did bring Beck back to life :/
I'm kinda evil like that. Though, technically it was Mr. Smokey Evil Pants who did it so you can thank him :)

Aight finally got another chapter up!!
And can you believe "Stop Being a Dad" has reached 70k reads :0 cRaZy


Larb u 3,000 <333

- 𓅿

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