Chapter 9//Look Who's Back

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When Victoria wakes up, everything around her is hazy. She was hoping to be able to just sit there for a moment, but no, some kid had to walk in.

"Goodmorning," the boy smirks, which was somehow unsettling, despite the fact that he looked like a snobby, rich 13 year old. Fancy suit, slicked back hair, etc.
Vicky squints as she becomes aware of the massive headache she has, blinking slowly as her eyes struggle to focus.
"Mr. Beck hit you harder than intended, so slight brain damage is expected."

"Daddy's too busy with work to see me himself?" Vic gives him a slight smirk, closing her eyes as her head continues to spin.
There was something off about the kid, and everytime he smiled it sent chills down the blonde's spine.

"Daddy's right here, child."

"Oh fuck no," Victoria groans, her stomach twisting.
"You have no idea how wrong that sounded, kid. Or Smokey. Or whoever the fuck you are."
She cackles lightly as she shifts her hand, flipping up one finger.
"Oh would you look at that. My middle finger likes you."

"Staying on track-"

"Think you could untie me?" Vicky looks around, noticing that she's tied to a pole, her hands held above her head.
"Or at least tie my hands behind my back? This position looks kinda sus-"

"Stalling will do nothing," Smokey scoffs, crossing his arms as he looks down at the girl.

"There's no need to once you begin monologuing," she retorts, smirking again.
That's when Vic's eyes flit to a small shadow in the corner of the room, and by the time Smokey turns around, he already has a gun to his forehead.

"Oh, hi there!" the masked person says with fake sincerity.
"I think my invitation got lost in the mail, but at least I made it to the party on time."

"Another Avenger?" The evil guy in the body of a child scoffs, simply rolling his eyes and moving the gun away with his hand.
"Put the gun away. You look foolish. We all know you heroes don't kill."

"Oh, that's not a hero," Vic chuckles, shifting so she can see things unfold better, turning to talk to the not-hero.
"I wouldn't kill him though, that's not his body. Maybe just stab him a little."

"That does make more sense, doesn't it!" With the last words, the masked man quickly uses his free hand to lodge a small knife in Smokey's shoulder, causing him to yell in surprise, not believing Vic when she said he wasn't a hero, considering he came to rescue the girl.
The man is thrown across the room, crashing into the opposite wall and falling silent.
"You forgot to let that mortal know that I'm a god. How unfortunate-"

"Shit fuck nuggets!"

The two look at the pile of rubble, watching as mr masked man stands up, his arm looking slightly gnarled.
"You cockered fen-sucked giglet, you broke my arm!! Oh, and I'm not a mortal."
His demeanor changed from pissed to amused as his left arm swung around limply.
"So shits about to get real, buddy."

. . .


Oh my god I finally wrote another!!

Also, this is kinda all over the place, but that's fine, coz we've got Babe Wilson in here now <333
Also, that insult? Love it so much lmao
Yes, I did come up with it kinda.
It's a few words from a list of Shakespeare insults. I just picked random ones and stuck em together :)

I just wanna point out that I look fab rn lol

Just saying xD

Hope your life is tolerable rn
Scratch that, hope your life is gold <3

Larb u 3,000 <333


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