Chapter 6//Ultrasound Result

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Ah, pregnancy. One of life's great mysteries. How does one grow a child inside of their body? What logical science is behind it?
Other than the fact that giving birth hurts like a buttcheek on a stick.

. . .

Victoria's mom wasn't joking when she said you had to pee constantly when you're pregnant.
The poor blonde has to pee really bad, but she's currently laying on a slightly reclined bed..thing, cold gel on her baby bump as she tries to discover what gender her child will be.
Yes, the author did perform another time skip coz she don't know what the fork she's doing.

"I'm gonna put the image up on the screen, alright?" The nurse? Says, the tv above the door turning on and displaying a very confusing view of inside Vicky.
"Well, would you look at that.."

"Look at what?" Ned asks, squinting in an attempt to find out what she was looking at.
"It's just a bunch of blobs."

"Not blobs," the woman chuckles.
"Those are your kids."

"Kids??" Victoria squeaks, craning her neck to get a better view of the image.

The nurse nods and starts pointing out the 2 faces. Vicky had twins. 2 girls.

"Oh, hell nah."

. . .

"Stupid fucking bladder.." Victoria groans after exiting the bathroom, now back at the tower. She just gets a chuckle from her husband, who was now used to these kinds of things.
She was quite moody now that she knows two beings are growing inside of her like some alien spawn.

Then again...
They uh.. they kinda are.

"We're gonna have to do like, a gender reveal thing.." she sighs, rubbing her face and hobbling to the elevator.
"How should we do it? I don't know how to be pregnant."

. . .

"Yo, bitches!"

"Victoria!" Bucky gasps, covering the ears of his adopted child.
"Keep that vulgar language out of our household!"

"You don't even live here, Buckaroo," Vic rolls her eyes, plopping down on the couch.
"Also, I didn't realize you were here. Winnie, don't swear."

"I know," the girl chuckles in response, taking her father's hands off her ears. "You guys forget that I'm a teenager. I'm mature."
Bucky looks like he's having a war flashback- which would be reasonable- but he was just having teenage Victoria flashbacks, and he quickly covers Winifred's ears once more.

Vicky cackles and pulls out her phone, texting Ned even though he's right next to her.

Da Wife
Ugh, I don't HAVE to do a whole gender reveal thing, right?

Da Hubby
It's only if you want to
And it'd be a bit of work, and you're like
Super pregnant

Da Wife
I'm only a few months along
I'm just big coz there are TWO FUCKING HOMANS IN HERE

Da Hubby

Da Wife

Da Hubby
You wanna just tell everyone through the group chat?

Da Wife
I guess that's best
Am I not being pregnant correctly?
Shouldn't I be like, throwing parties and stuff?

Da Hubby
Come on, Vic
You're growing 2 humans inside you
If you don't feel like doing a bunch of stuff then that's reasonable

Da Wife
What should we name them by the way?
How about Jayce

Da Hubby
Why Jayce?
It's not bad I'm just curious

Da Wife
It's a dope name
And if I'm gonna have dope kids then they need dope names

Da Hubby
We have 2 daughters
Meaning we need 2 names

Da Wife

Da Hubby

Da Wife
It's also dope
Just a bit more feminine
But it's dope
Coz Roses may be beautiful, but they have thorns
Coz they're bad bitches

Da Hubby
Makes sense

. . .



We all know that Loki is like, 16 in human years, right?

Well, if he was about 16 when he died in Endgame, and this is in the future, he's about in his 20s now

And since Vic is an Asgardian, that means she grows like an Asgardian.
Asgardians grow like humans until they reach adulthood, that's when their age appearance starts to slow.
She has just reached adulthood soo

She is the equivalent of an Asgardian CHILD
Which would explain her personality.
Coz she's still like, 10-12 based on Asgardian stuff. She's at least 900-1000 Asgardian years old.

Besides that, hope you like this chapter I still don't know what the fuck I'm doing have a nice day

Also, dedication to the children:
aihumanX and Bucketbarnes81

This book is now kinda dedicated to you ig lol


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