Instead of responding, I continued to sip at the tea. It had the soured sting of wine but also the bitter taste of mug wort. My eyes watered but I held back from reacting. I didn't want to seem weak in front of them, I should simply be honored to have a place at their table. My eyes roamed the room we had been seated in. The building was a large manor within the city, and the inside was as grand as the outside. There was crimson curtains hanging in front of the windows, the furniture was that of golden painted wood with more red velvet that I'd ever seen in my life. The delicate cups were porcelain painted with silver and gold, and the room was softened with pillows. I had even spotted a room of beds as we were taken to this tea room and I wondered about that. If this was a service house for women then why hire Eunuchs? Even more so, why have beds?

My eyes wandered again, this time to Saewynn's lover. Her head tilted her so slightly as if she could sense my sudden attention and I quickly looked away and back at my cup. There was a few rose petals floating in the top and as I sipped the warm liquid, it warmed my insides like the sensation of sitting by a fireplace. My eyes fluttered for a moment as I swallowed, and I could feel that warmth snake through my body. For a moment it reminded me of the sensation of home. Those cold nights where Mama and I were forced to cuddle for warmth in the bitter nights, and she'd always whisper stories of my father in my ear and always tell me such encouraging things. I could feel a lump in my throat and I pushed open my eyelids shaking the feeling off.

My, I could understand why people obsessed with the sensation that mug wort brought.

I looked around the table, it seemed the royals were getting along, chatting stories from their lands and making passive aggressive comments and I smiled softly. I felt out of place here, as if I shouldn't have come to this tea house after all. So I stood, brushing mindlessly at my gown as the chatting stopped and they looked up at me.

"Ara?" Kahuna asked gently.

I suppose there were tears in my eyes.

"I apologize, my match is tomorrow I should go and prepare," I mumbled.

"Let me accompany you," Rose hummed.

"No need to rid yourself of your guard, my Lover will go," Saewynn yawned, learning back, "My King will be wanting to taste her tonight anyways."

My eyes widened with surprise.

Eliza glanced at her carefully, "I don't need to tell you if Lady Roisin is hurt—"

"—No." Saewynn interrupted, her gaze sharp, "My lover will protect her with her life."

Eliza sighed, and nodded her head. My gaze dropped as I sent the table a curtsy and then left, the tea having my thoughts sway like the autumn breeze. I understood why none of them left with me, it was important to spend as much time together as possible for the sake of their nations politics. However, I did have the selfish desire to not be alone with a stranger on the way back.

I stepped out of the manor and into the cool night breeze. I shivered, my attire most definitely not the best choice for the night events. I looked across the road where a royal carriage sat. My eyes slid to the hooded woman beside me, she held her hand towards the carriage and I nodded. We moved over to it and I told the coach man to take us back. He nodded, his eyes avoiding us carefully. Of course, he did not want to be one to view the customers of the tea house. We climbed into the carriage, and I awkwardly looked across the way at the hooded woman. She didn't speak much, and the song she'd sang was the most I'd heard her voice.

"Is Ipuina to your liking?" I asked.

She lifted her head slightly so that I could see her lips curve up slightly, but said nothing. My cheeks burned with embarrassment and my gaze dropped quickly. She was mocking me—of course she was. She was the mistress to a king and a queen, why would she want to talk to me? I had forgotten my place. The carriage was silent for a long while, until the carriage hit a bump, causing us to both be jolted.

THE ELEMENTAL CHRONICLEOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz