Part 28: James

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I know I say this every time.. but I'm sorry it's taken me 3 months to upload. But I will always return to this story no matter the length of time, I promise. Also - I'm going to go back and re-write some of my first chapters as they are very poorly written, and the pacing of the story wasn't good at all. Please take the time to go back and re-read, I will put a notice up when they are all complete, ready for you to read them again!

I have also made a big decision... I'm going to swap out Avani and Lottie for Marlene, Dorcas, Mary and Alice. This also means that gets rid of the romance between Avani and Lottie - and I do apologise for anyone that really appreciated it. I made this decision because I started to fall in love with the idea of the canon characters and other fanfics that did so. Some of you may be happy, some of you not so happy. For anyone who is reading for the first time after these characters were added, Avani and Lottie were the original best friends of Lily Evans, whom had a romantic relationship together. And if you were here even before that, their original names before I changed them were actually Emmie and Louisa. Sorry for the sudden change.  Many apologies.

Okay, I'm very worried about this date now.

How do I approach this? What do I say? Where do I take her? Do I pay for everything? What do I wear? Do I go in with a romantic approach or a good mates kind of attitude?

Worrying about a date with the girl you're in love with is so awfully cliché, it hurts.

I don't know what to do with myself, if I'm being completely honest. I'm sat like a completely useless human being in my dormitory with only a few hours before we're supposed to meet. Since when is it like me to not line the hallways with roses and candles and enchant the unmoving armour to sing every David Bowie love song under the sun?

But no, I James Potter, am a changed man. And today is my chance to prove that to Lily.

And not only to Lily, but to Mum and Dad, too. I want to make them proud. I want them to look down on me with positive smiles on their faces, beaming at me with joy. It pains me that I'll never get to share moments like this with them anymore, but I know I can talk to them. Even if they can't respond.

That's it. That's my motivation for today.

1) Prove to Lily I've changed - for the better.
2) Make Mum and Dad proud.
3) Go back to my dorm smiling.

Shouldn't be too hard, right?

7 minutes before the meeting time.

I sigh deeply with nerves. I can do this, I can do this.

I can do this.

I check my reflection once more. I messed with my hair for a bit and checked my breath. Okay James, it's time to go.

I begin making my way down the staircase into the main common room when Sirius stops me as I reach the bottom.
He narrows his eyes at me in a playful way.

"I'm sensing nervousness," He states almost immediately.

"Your senses are correct," I say with a sigh, looking at my best friend with pleading eyes - begging for some advice. "I just- I don't know what to say. Or do. What does one do in a situation such as this?" I ask the universe.

Sirius looks at me intently, and opens his mouth to speak.

"Listen mate, I know you're overthinking now, but trust me. She is much more nervous then you are. You go out there and prove to her that you have more personality traits then just egotistical knobhead." He said simply, gripping my shoulders with a small smile etching at the corners of his mouth.

"Ouch." I said, grinning.

Sirius is right. I'm going to go out with Lily, and it's going to go well. He clapped me on the back and I made my way to the courtyard ready to meet Lily.

I can do this.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2022 ⏰

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James x Lily - A love story {~All credit goes to J.K Rowling~}Where stories live. Discover now