Part 24: James

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Note: MUM I'M FAMOUS! How did this book blow up so fast?! We're at 1000 reads as I'm writing this! That's absolutely crazy I never even thought I'd get to 10 reads never mind 1000! You are literally all so amazing and I love you all so much! Please share this book with a friend and don't forget to give each chapter a vote if you would like to! Enjoy this chapter, unfortunately I couldn't not include the rat any longer without it looking too suspicious so sadly he's back :(. Also, we've got a truck load of Jily this chapter, so enjoy this as a 1k special!

"NO! Put it there! No, not there, Padfoot!" I said irritably as Sirius kept putting the "Welcome Wormtail!" banner in the wrong place.

"Above the fireplace, you idiot!" I said, feeling the corners of my mouth twitching as he attempted to hang it on his own jumper. "Oh my god, give it here." I said, laughing now.

"Is this really necessary?" said Lily beside me, who was eyeing the totally not over-the-top decorations all over the common room. There streamers everywhere and confetti absolutely everywhere. Moony had hung up about 7 disco balls already, and was currently picking out Peter's favourite CDs to play on Sirius's record player.

Lottie and Avani had made several trips down to the kitchens and always returned with Peter's favourite cakes and pastries.

"It is absolutely necessary! We haven't been complete without our dear Wormtail! We were practically loners!" I said dramatically.

She rolled her eyes, and began to help me lay out the food on the tables.

"So... um, Hogsmeade trip on Sunday..." she said awkwardly.

"Mhm." I replied casually.

"Would y-you um... like to... er..." she said, stumbling over her words nervously.

"Like to what?" I asked, laying out the plates.

"W-would you... um..." she said, stuttering. She took a deep breath. "WouldyouliketogotoHogsmeadewithme?" she said, the words tumbling out of her mouth faster then I could process them.

I blinked.





"Of course!" I said instantly, feeling myself grin stupidly.

She sighed of relief, and I felt myself blush at the thought that Lily Evans had just asked me out. Not the other way around! It felt like something out of a story book.

Wow, okay, that sounds sad.

"So... it's a date?" I said, wiggling my eyebrows.

"Ugh... fine." she said, but I could've sworn I saw the corners of her mouth twitch.

"Hehe, knew you couldn't say no to this handsome face!" I said proudly.

Wow, I am so hot.

"Don't make me regret this." she said, narrowing her eyes at me.

"Oh, don't worry, Lilykinz, you shall regret nothing!" I said, already planning a romantic date in my head ready for Saturday.

"I better not." she said warningly.

We eventually finished the decorations, and all found hiding places and turned off the lights ready for Peter's grand arrival. He said he arrive at about 6pm, and it was currently 5:57pm. Just a matter of time.

He walked in at 6:12pm, and we all jumped out and surprised him.

He looked slightly pale and was shaking a bit, but I suppose it must have been strange to return to England when you had been in such a hot country.

Sirius brought out the fire-whiskey and we (meaning all of Gryffindor tower) had an absolutely insane party, drinking and laughing all night long. I probably said some really weird things, not that I remember any of it.

Eventually, Professor McGonagal came and told up to all go to bed, which, after 2 hours of her going back and forth telling is to shut up, we did.

~On Monday~

We had Defence Against the Dark Arts straight after lunch, and I was told by Marlene McKinnon (head girl) that we were doing the Patronus Charm.

Like the Animagus form, the Patronus reflects on your soul and personality.

My animagus is a stag, so my Patronus form will be the same.

One thing that I was slightly nervous for, was the whole 'Patronus Soulmate Match' thing. I really hope no one gets a type of deer, because I would never get a moments peace with Sirius lurking around.

As I was walking into the lesson, I then remembered the amount of research I did on Animagus forms, and found out a lot about Patronus's too. In fact, I found out everything about them.

So, really, we (the marauders and I) didn't need to listen during the explanation. All we needed to do was listen to the practical.

Naturally, we goofed around all lesson, (ignoring warning looks from Lily) passing notes and making face at each other from across the room.

Eventually, Professor Azawatek (az-awa-tek) demonstrated the patronus charm, and told us it was very difficult, and that we had to focus on our happiest memory to be able to cast it.

When it came to Lily's turn, no one had been able to cast it yet.
She stood up at the front of the classroom, and raised her wand. She paused for a moment, and waved her wand and said clearly and firmly, "Expecto Patronum."

I saw her eyes fixed on the end of her wand, the concentration was practically floating around the room, keep everyone on the edge of their seats.

A small wisp of silver smoke poured out like a delicate waterfall from the tip of her wand. It swished and swayed like ribbon, dancing through the particles in the air. It slowly came together, piece by piece like a puzzle. It formed a shape of an elegant animal. It was a-


Oh god.

James x Lily - A love story {~All credit goes to J.K Rowling~}Where stories live. Discover now