Part 6: Lily

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God please save me.

There is no physical way that has just happened to me.

Everything was going smoothly, me proving to Potter that he's really irratated me and showing it by purposely being extra resentful, it working, getting congratulated by Professor Slughorn, everything going perfect.

James smelled my perfume in the love potion, which was a shock to the ear but also expected considering the boy asks me out every other hour.

But my, oh my, I did not expect to smell him!

A little while ago towards the end of fifth year, Gryffindor lost the season finales against Slytherin because Potter didn't manage to catch the snitch, a very rare occurance indeed. Potter was so upset with himself he barely spoke to anyone after congratulating and shaking hands with the Slytherin captain. I remember walking into the common room to see him sat in the corner of a large couch all cuddled up in a cozy, knitted jumper fast asleep. Poor boy was probably so exhausted he nodded off right then and there. Since no one was there, I walked over and leaned over from over the top of the couch before grrinning at him, whispering 'serves you right' without truely meaning it in all honesty.

In that short, insignificant moment that I hadn't even though about until now... I don't know.. but thats what I smelled.

What does this mean? Why him? Why that specific memory? He's annoying, rude, arrogant, cocky, selfish, egotistical, attractive... and standing directly infront of me.

"Alright, Evans?" he asked, tilting his head.

I groaned at the sight of him - really not what I need right now. I tried to move around him, but he stood in my way.

"Slow down, slow down. I want to talk to you."

"Thats exactly why I'm not slowing down." I replied through clenched teeth.

He chuckled and pulled me to the side, out of the way from the busy halls.

"Be honest with me, Evans. What did you actually smell in that potion?"

I blinked. How on earth could he know?

Was I that obvious?

"Chocolate. I told you." I lied.

"Evans, Evans," he said, tutting sarcastically. "If that was the truth, could you possibly know I was questioning you on that particular scent? Why not the spring water, or the cherry pie? Why sprint out of that classroom so fast so that I wouldn't have time to question you on it?"

My mouth was left hanging open. Nothing really went unnoticed with this boy. If he wanted to know something, he would know it, there was no doubt about that.

I opened my mouth to reply, but was interupted by a heavy weight plunged at mine and James' stomach. I looked down and spotted a tiny first year laying on the floor looking shocked. The small red-headed girl peered up and paled at the sight of James.

"Oh- oh my!" she gasped, rushing to her feet. "I'm so sorry! It was an accident, I swear! Please don't use that spell you used on that greasy boy the other week!" she squeaked.

James laughed and kneeled down slightly so he was at her level.

"Don't worry - I only use that occasionally, and only on him in particular." he winked at her, and the small girl giggled and ran down the hall blushing.

I laughed my head off as James watched the girl run down the hall with a confused expression. I composed myself before the realisation that James Potter really and truely didn't just put a funky spell on someone because he could just sunk in.

I gave him a questioning look, and he laughed before responding.

"Oh Evans, you think too low of me." he sighed half-sarcastically, half serious. "When are you going to realise that I'm not a cocky 14 year old who does what I want? I'm a changed man."

I laughed at him.

"No Potter, you're not a changed man. You're a stupid boy who is gradually turning into a stupid man." I laughed again and looked at him to see his beautiful face looking back at me, grinning.

"I'll see you about, Lily."

"Yeah... you too."

James x Lily - A love story {~All credit goes to J.K Rowling~}Where stories live. Discover now