Part 20: James

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It's been a while, I know. I'm sorry, I just wanted a break because I was spending all my free time writing but I'm getting back into it now because honestly... I miss it. So sorry, but I hope you enjoy! Also, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ALL THE READS I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT TO SAY! OVER HALF WAY TO 1K!

It felt good to finally have my memory back.

The rest of the marauders seemed super happy to have me back.
I don't blame them, I am amazing after all.


Since I got my memory back, I have been a tiny bit too fascinated by the simplest of things. For example, this morning, we went outside to the greenhouses for Herbology, and we were nearly late because I spent five minutes staring in awe at the grass.

Today, though, I went back to the common and saw Emmie sitting alone on the couch, deep in thought.

"Alright, Ava-girl?" I said, exaggerating the 'r' in 'girl'.

(Ava-girl is pronoucned Av-a-girl, not how you would pronounce the name Ava)

"I told you to stop calling me that!" she said crossly.

"Not a chance, Ava-girl." I said cheekily.

She sighed, and continued staring into space, deep in thought.

"You alright?" I said, waving a hand in front of her face.

"I'm fine. Just...thinking." she said distractedly.

"Thinking about what?"


"Fine! If you don't want to tell me then I suppose I'll just leave!" I said dramatically, placing the back of my hand on my forehead and closing my eyes.

"Seriously though, you alright?" I said, feeling a spark of genuine concern.

"I'm okay. I'm just thinking about..." she trailed off, looking away bashfully. "Don't make fun of me...but...I'm thinking about love." she said, not meeting my eye and blushing profusely.

I gaped at her.




ABOUT TIME! I've been waiting for someone else to fall in love for AGES so that I can finally play the old matchmaker game like I did with Sirius and a girl called Marina Lockhart.

"WHO IS IT?" I bellowed, making her jump, she almost fell off the couch.

"Oh my god, don't scare my like that!" she said crossly. "And calm down! It's unimportant anyway-"

"YES IT IS! It is so important I might just go up the very top of the Astronomy Tower and tell the whole of Hogwarts that Avani Wilson is in-"

"-because I'm not going to tell you." she finished, cutting me off.

My heart dropped.

"Are you being serious right now?" I said, gaping at her.

"I'm not Sirius, I'm Avani." she said, cracking a smile.

"Oh, ha-ha! Very funny!" I said sarcastically, however secretly thinking that she was a genius for bringing back the old 'I'm not Sirius, he is!' joke at perfect moment.

"Serio- I mean, really though, can you please tell me?" I said hopefully.

"Not a chance." she said shortly.

"What's the point of telling me that your in love if your not going to tell me who? I don't care who it is. It could be Snivellous and I wouldn't care. Actually, if you are in love with him, then not gonna lie I'm worried for your mental health."

She did not smile.


"Of course not, you stupid imbecile!" she snapped. "See? this is precisely the reason I don't want to tell you!" she said huffily. "But your hard to resist, so fine." she said shortly.

My face split into a wide grin.

"So... who is he?" I asked excitedly.

I saw her look away, looking guilty almost, and hesitant. Not really sure of to say. I realised what this odd gesture meant. I felt my heart race with surprise, but my face remained expressionless.

"It's... it's not a boy... is it?" I said softly.

She shook her head, not quite meeting my eyes.

She mumbled something, though I couldn't hear what she was saying.

"What was that?" I asked, again speaking softly, creating an atmosphere of comfort and relaxation.

"It's... it's Lottie." she said, as though embarrassed.

"Wait... what?" I said not quite believing my ears. I couldn't help it. This opened up so many opportunities. Matchmaking opportunities. I could lock them in a cupboard together! Or better, I could find out if Lottie feels the same way! I bet she does, they've been spending so much time together. Oh, I wonder if Lily-

"Don't hate me." she said, interrupting my thoughts. "Don't hate me for liking girls... I can't help it. You can't help who you love, you know?" she said, her eyes clouding all over.

I took her hand and gave it a squeeze.

"Yeah... I get it." I whispered.

"Just... please don't tell anyone I like girls... especially Lottie. I don't want her to think I'm weird." she said quietly.

"Avani... if she thinks your weird because of that... she's not worth it." I whispered reassuringly.

"I know... I don't think she would, but... there's a right time for everything... y'know?"

"I understand." I said solemnly.

"Please don't tell anyone." she pleaded.

I nodded.
I will absolutely never tell anyone.

Except Lily.

James x Lily - A love story {~All credit goes to J.K Rowling~}Where stories live. Discover now