Part 25: Lily

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I did it!


It took a lot of concentration, every ounce of power going into that single spell. But oh my, it was worth it. The Patronus was beautiful. More beautiful then I had ever imagined.

A doe, it was. A graceful, elegant, and delicate doe. It held its' head high, stood there firmly, looking around at every face in the room, and then it's silvery cold eyes met mine.

I felt shivers run down my spine, but I didn't look away. I held it's gaze, and mirrored it's proud posture. It bowed, and just like that, it disappeared with a whirl of silver smoke.

"Fantastic Miss Evans!" A voice said, as I was pulled back into reality. I looked up to see Professor Azawatek beaming at me, looking delighted. "A little more practise, and it'll be clear as day! It was a bit foggy, but it'll keep away a dementor long enough to get some help." I sat back down, a little worn out, but proud all the same.

"Mr Potter, you next, please." he said, looking at James.

"Er-" he said, looking at Sirius in a way I couldn't quite work out what it meant.

That's strange. Normally James would never give up an opportunity to show off in front of the entire class. Considering he was goofing off all lesson, I assumed he already knew the basics on the Patronus already.

"Can I do mine... privately? After the lesson?" he said, pleadingly.

"I suppose." Professor Azawatek said through thin lips.

After class had ended, I hung around outside the classroom, so I could see what James was so nervous about.
And before you call me nosy, well, your absolutely right. I am nosy, but that's just the way I am.

I stood outside the classroom, everyone else hurrying off to lunch.

James waved his wand in a perfect motion, said the incantation clearly, and began to cast the spell. Silver smoke poured out of his wand, bit brighter and clearer then I had ever seen it before. He didn't look remotely fazed, as though he done this a thousand times before. It formed a majestic shape of a silver stag.


Oh my god.



That means... our patronus's match?!

No... that can't be right. But the legend about the soulmate match...
That must be a myth. I mean, it wouldn't make sense. He can't be my 'soulmate'. We only started being friends this year, and he was a selfish and arrogant toe-rag before that.

I felt butterflies rise inside me, at the realisation that James I-think-I'm-the-best Potter, just gave up his chance to show off to the entire glass his amazing patronus, simply for the sake of my humiliation, because if anyone saw that patronus, they would know we were a match... and people would never stop making fun and embarrassing me for it.

He did that for me.

And I can't wrap my head around that.

James x Lily - A love story {~All credit goes to J.K Rowling~}Where stories live. Discover now