Part 19: Lily

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Hehe I'm doing well in these regular posts! By the way, this is set just after James had been given the memory curing potion.

"I...I can remember everything!" he gasped.

He sat up abruptly and stared at me.

A huge sense of relief washed over me, glad that it successfully recovered him.

"How did you make this? It takes forever to brew!" he asked, bewildered.

I smiled sadly.

"It wasn't easy. I went through some challenges along the way." I replied honestly.

"What do you mean? What did I miss?"

I rewashes through everything that had happened over last few days. Including the drama in the common room, my failed apology, and when I finished, he was looking at me as though I was some sort of angel.

" sacrificed your friendship with Lottie?" he choked out. "For me?"

I nodded solemnly.

"I regret acting the way I did, I really do. that your memory is back...I don't really have much to complain about!" I said, feeling the tiniest glow of happiness inside of me. No one could make me feel that like that, not even Marlene.

What was this feeling?

"I'm starting to realise how much you mean to me, James!" I burst out, staring straight back into his beautiful hazel eyes.

"Lily...I..." he said softly. "Everything will turn out. I know it will. You always have a solution to every problem you come across. That's why we're friends."


For some reason, I didn't like us being 'Friends'. I didn't know why, though.

James held my face with his soft, tanned hands, and crushed his lips against mine. I felt my hands travel to his shoulders, pulling him ever so closer.

We pulled away, and suddenly realised what we had done.

I just kissed James Potter!

We both started rambling nervous apologies and I found that I was blushing like crazy.

"S-sorry I- it was in the" James babbled nervously.

He sounded like a babbling, bumbling band of baboons 😌✌️

"Y-yeah...I...sorry!" I managed to make out before changing the subject quickly.

We started talking about lessons, but my mind was elsewhere.

I can't believe I just did that.

Well, he kissed me first! However, I did kiss back...

That's not the point!

Ugh, why was it so pleasant though? It felt like it was meant to be. It brought back memories of the Christmas Ball back in December. I wasn't thinking then, either.


Lily? Who's Lily?

Oh right! That's me!

"Oh! Sorry, what did you say?" I said, embarrassed.

"I think we're learning about patronus's next Defence Against the Dark Art lesson." he said thoughtfully.

That got my attention.

"I've been reading up on patronus's, actually," I said. "I think your right, it says that we will learning about that in sixth year. I wonder what mine will be?"

James x Lily - A love story {~All credit goes to J.K Rowling~}Where stories live. Discover now