Chapter Three - The Museum

Comenzar desde el principio

"Fine." He huffed as he made his way towards a door.

"The bathroom is that way." Jade shouted after him as she pointed towards another door.

Leroy nodded in acknowledgement and changed course so he was now walking in the right direction and more importantly towards the bathroom.

Thirty minutes later and Leroy emerged from Jade's bedroom, where he got changed back into his old clothes. He was washed, dressed and ready to roll. Across the room Jade was already packing up the essentials for their trip into the bag which lay on the table.

"Suited and booted." He announced with a wide smile.

"Great..." Jade smiled back. ".... Lets go."

"Wait....what, now?"

Jade looked at him like that was the dumbest question he could have ever asked.

"Yes now."

"But... I haven't even had my breakfast yet..."

Jade rolled her eyes at Leroy. Breakfast? Really?

"Fine. I'll pick you up something on the way. Now let's go, I don't want to be running behind time."

The two of them proceeded to walk out of Jade's apartment and down some stairs that descended in a 'square' shape which had doors leading off to other apartments like branches on a tree.

Wanting to know more about her new 'shadow', Jade began to commence her round of questioning.

"You know, you hide it well but you are a very bright young man. Why didn't you stay in education?"

Leroy bowed his head as if he was shamed of this fact and to be honest he was. He would have loved to have stayed on to do higher education but 'life' got in the way.

"Family issues." He finally answered. "I had to drop out halfway through the first year of college."

Jade stopped watching her feet as she hopped from one step down to the other and looked back up at Leroy.

"Your dad?" She asked in a caring tone.

All he could do was nod in reply. Yep. His dad. The one thing that managed to turn everything good in his life upside down and cover it in 'crap'. The reason he's like how he is now, broke and lonely. However he was glad he had found Jade for a bit of company, she was nice. A bit socially-awkward but he could tell her heart was in the right place.

Realising that he wasn't the only young adult here who didn't continue their education, he decided to ask the next question.

Destination Unknown - Book One {Completed}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora